the next day...

51 3 0

We were standing on the deck of the ship. Getting ready to leave. Big brother? I ask. Why did mom and dad send us here?

I don't know Sasuke.

You sound like you do.

Ok I know why, But you don't need to worry about it.

You always say that.

We leave the deck of the ship and head for the hidden leaf village.
We were about to enter the forest when we hear... SASUKE!!! ITACHI!!! WAITE!!!!!!!!!!! It was sky.

I thought you couldn't come with us! Itachi says.

I did to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT IM IGNORING IT!


She stumbles a little because she runs so fast. Once she catches up to Itachi and I, she starts singing,

I'll tell you a story about a man
Theirs no one quite like him across the land
This man has lots of presidents in his hands
Taking them from your house was his plan

(Because you have Ben robbed)
Someone stop this criminal
(Your door was locked)
He is not forgivable
( keep your door shut )

How could this happen so close to Christmas day
He just took all of the presidents and ran away
What do the police have to say

Please Remain calm! We're on our way............. oh right! Let's go!

Soooo someone STO- that's nice! Itachi says while slapping his hand over her mouth. What? Not working for you? Fine. How about this...

10948 buckets of tea on the wall 10948 buckets of tea
One falls of And then then you have
10947 buckets of tea on the wall

10947 buckets of tea on the wall 10947 buckets of tea
One falls of...

I start singing with sky. Itachi just looks miserable.

Hi!!! Do you like my songs? Almost All of them are real!!!

The one used in chapter 2... Happy happy birthday

The one with the stolen presidents... your door was locked

The tea One I just made up.


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