NO YOU CANT MAKE ME... ok yes you can.

18 0 0

I walk through the gate. I can't do this. Sorry naruro. But I'm leaving.

I turned around and start running. Sasuke!!! Kakashi yells. DAME IT KAKASHI!! He jumps on top of me, pining me to the ground, AGAIN. Sasuke!! Naruro yells. What the hell was that!?!?!?

A failing fall. Sky says.


Lady tsunade jumps down beside Kakashi and me. Sasuke???? She asks. We can't let him go to orochimaru. Kakashi says. We can't let the Sharingan go to a man like that. I got it. Tsunade says. She puts her hand on my forehead. Then I start feeling light headed. My chakra. She's taking it out of me, and with Kakashi on top of me, there's nothing I can do.

Your not going to hurt him are you? Sky asks. And why would you care?!? Tsunade asks in a rude voice. BECAUSE HE'S MY LITTLE BROTHER!!! Sky yells.

Tsunade looks at me, I can feel a pit of sorrow inside of her.

I'm sorry Sasuke. She says. But I can't let you go.

My vision gets blurry.

He should be fine after he rests. I hear tsunade say over the ringing sound in my ear. Ok good sky's voice cuts in. I just couldn't live without........ her voice gets quieter and quieter, until finally, I black out.

All I see is darkness.

No parents

More darkness

The opposite of light

Black hole

Currents drawn, in the basement,
Middle of the night.

Sorry about that. When I'm out of chakra, it's like I'm drunk. Deal with it.

I lIkE pIe AnD fOoD AnD AlL ThInGs ThAt HaTe ITACHI aNd AlL tHiNgS wItH nO chakra Because they are like a cup with a poof

DoyoulovewafflesbecauseIlovewaffles! Iwillkillitachiandhopflynotskytoobecausesheismyonlyfriendandi cantlivewithoutherandthatmaksitsoundlikeiloveherinthekissykiss waybutIdontsodontthinkIdo!!!!!!!!!?

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