Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

My hand slipped, I fall.

A hand grabs me as I yelp, scared of hitting grass below me, the next thing I knew, I was looking up at Jett. The grin on his face so wide.

“Man, you must be glad to see me.” He said as he lifted me onto the top of the gate as Maddox comes down on the rope, cussing under his breath. Joel just smirked.

“You got lucky kid.” He says, but I can tell he’s not mad as a little half smile, that only I saw appeared on his face. Then we climbed down the gate, well more like fell with style. As everyone else slid down so gracefully and landed on their feet. I was on my butt. But I couldn’t stop grinning… I just cheated death I say to myself, not sure if I could ever stop grinning. We walked down the street confident, I can’t believe we just escaped I thought to myself. At the time I thought we were doomed. When we arrived at the party everyone cheered.

“Told you all! Told you he was coming!” Axel yelled to everyone as he slung an arm around my shoulder… I can smell the alcohol in your breath dude. I thought to myself as I grimaced. This night will be a disaster. As I walked through the crowds of people, slapping my back in celebration, I spot Pete in the corner with a bunch of guys. I knew it was him because of his hood. None of his ‘buddies’ being as big as me (since I have to work out in ‘the base’) I walk over there to say hi. I was genuinely excited to see him… until he fell to the floor. One of the other guys had punched him, all of them laughing. Crap I thought as I rushed over to Pete, making sure he was ok. He was knocked out.

“What’s with that?” I ask the guys. They all turn to me, the smile on their faces vanishing when they saw me. Probably with my hood, I looked pretty intimidating.

“He owes me $400. Won’t give it to me. I warned him, I did, didn’t I boys?” He said glancing backwards at his ‘boys’ as I run up to him in quick strides and punch him in the face. So hard he fell and spit out blood as I kicked him in the gut and smashed a bottle over his head. Very quickly, Lance came over; followed by Maddox, Axel, Milt and Sam. Soon they were all yelling at me to calm down, holding me back from not killing the guy who punched my friend. I mean, he probably deserved it but I know Pete, he’s a god guy and would’ve paid it back as soon as possible. Soon enough I was on the floor, pinned by Axel and Sam and Maddox as Milt checked to make sure the guy I punched was ok. And he was. He got excused from the party along with his ‘buddies’. Once that was out of the way, I crawled back to Pete who’s eyes were open wide now and panting. No matter how strong all those guys (Axel, Milt, Sam and Maddox) were, they couldn’t keep me away from my best friend.

“Is it true? Did you owe them money?” I asked.

“Nah man! Do you even know me? They have been trying to get money outta me for years.” Pete said defensively. And I believe him.

“Come on.” I tell Pete as me and my friends hang out at his place, eating pancakes with Rico.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey! i am assuming i will have like only a couple more chapters. i will try to make them action packed and full of unexpected twists and turns

till next time keep smiling :)

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