Chapter 2

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                                                                         Chapter 2

I wake up with a wet cold cloth over my eyes and forehead.

“Stay lying down, don't get up yet.” said that deep, soft voice.

“Where am I?” I ask. Not sure if I want an answer.

“You’re in an underground cave, it is where you will stay for the next few hours as you regain your senses.” said the voice as I hear him walking around the room. Then I feel a sharp pain as my arm flings up to snatch the cloth off my eyes. I open them and see a blurry figure of a man.

“The names Pete” He said.

“Travis.” I grunted

“I’ll be looking after you till you get better. We found you with a fractured disk in your spine; any movement will hurt for the next while, so take it easy.  We found you under the portal a couple weeks ago, just as it was closing or else we would've thrown you back in. You’re lucky we found you. If we didn't… let’s just say you wouldn't have lived.” Pete said, walking to another curtain and disappearing behind it. I wish I could've seen him but it was hard, he had his face hidden behind a hood. When he returned a couple minutes later I had regained some of my senses. I could see that I was on a metal table, my legs and waist was strapped down. My arms and chest and legs were hooked up to monitors and tubes. I moved fast, confused why I was hooked up to so many wires, pulling them out. It stung so I screamed.

“Hey! Calm down! Stop that!” Pete yelled, as several men came and pinned my arms down, while Pete and some other guy started putting the tubes in. As Pete finished up I was panting and screaming and he was holding me down saying;

“It’s ok, you’re alright. Cool down. It’s fine…” in a calm soothing voice. When they were finished there was blood everywhere and more pain than before. Pete was still holding me down because my strap on my waist had broken. Pete panting, pushing me down trying to get me still, as I thrashed around trying to take the tubes out. After half an hour I am too tired to fight Pete and give up, lying on the cool metal table. A guy who looks like a guard runs in and hand cuffs my arms to the metal arms of the bed. Pete with a bleeding nose and swollen eye and black lip looks down at me, panting still as I pass out.

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