Chapter 9 ~ What Imprinting Is

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating. I just found myself caught in another fandom.


Embry POV

Ignore. Run. Ignore. Run. Watch out for the tree!

That was all I was thinking. I have to get away before my heart tears itself apart. Oh, wait. It already is. I stop being upset and started being mad at the guy that Taylor loves. I knew she really didn't love him because I was the one that imprinted on her! So that means I overrule any competing guys.

Embry! Embry! Come back! I heard them yelled at me, but I can never go back. I don't want to see her face ever again. Embry! You can't ignore her for the rest of your life! You won't forget about her, no matter how hard you try, Embry! By then, I had them all tuned out. I will forget about her. And I will forget about him.

Taylor POV

"What just happen?" I asked confused at what had just happened.

 "How do I say this?" said Edward awkwardly rubbing his hand against the back of his head. He was avoiding eye contact with me, so I knew it was something he didn't want me to know. 

"Didn't you read his mind- before he burst out of here?" asked Nessie. "I got a glimpse of it, but I didn't understand his thoughts."

"Which was?" asked Emmett raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Something about . . . What was it? Imprinting." Everyone all turned and looked at me. "What?" 

They all gasp. "Edward?" I asked confused. 

"Imprinting. It's like . . . Umm . . ." Edward looked around desperately, and his eyes landed on Jacob. "Jacob! You can explain what imprinting is. Right?"

"Ummm, yeah . . . I guess." He said, not quite sure what he was agreeing to help with. 

"Okay. So, imprinting is like when you fall in love with that person and you'll do anything to please and protect them," Said Jacob as he wraps his arms around Nessie. 

"And how does this all relates to Embry leaving? Oh." I said slowly understanding.

"Do you know where he is?" I ask. 

"No. He phased back into a human," Said Seth. 

"Wait. If he imprints on Tay. Then what about me?" Asked Alec confused as his grip on me tightens.

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