Mall Trawling

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Chapter Nine: Mall Trawling

Rogue went up to her room to change after lunch only to find Kitty in their room putting on her makeup.

"Hey, Rogue, how's your new assistant?" Kitty asked teasingly. She knew who she was talking about by that insinuation in her voice.

"Kitty, what are you talkin' about?" Rogue asked as she changed behind her screen. She put on a pair of jeans and a long black t-shirt. She had her black shear gloves lying on her bed, as well as her black ankle boots sitting by her nightstand.

"Rogue, why are you still wearing those?" Kitty asked as she was putting the finishing touches on her hair.

She had decided to wear it down in a loose curl which was a new look for her but ever since Piotr told her she had pretty hair she wanted to wear it down to see if it was true.

"What do ya mean?" Rogue looked at her confused. "Ah love those boots."

"Not the boots, silly, those gloves," Kitty said, pointing to them.

"It's just in case," Rogue said as she put a brush through her hair. Kitty tried to ask again but Rogue was humming a tune in the attempt to drown her out.

"Rogue!" Kitty shouted agitated by her friend's behavior.

"What?" Rogue shouted. "Ah'm tryin' t'get ready for this shoppin' trip you insist ah go on."

"And I'm so glad I talked you into it," Kitty giving her a look like she accomplished the impossible. "Now, what you need is a complete makeover."

"We're goin' shoppin' but no lame makeovers."

"Then at least buy some new outfits," she insisted. "Something sexy for Remy to look at."

"Kitty!" she yelled. "Ah'm not out to impress that swamp rat but havin' some new stuff would be nice."

"Then let's go," Kitty said and dragged her out if the room.

They took Rogue's car. She invited Wanda to come along, more for safety reasons. With Wanda along, it would stop Kitty from going too crazy.

They reached the apartment building in less than fifteen minutes and took the elevator up to Wanda's apartment. They knocked on the door and in seconds it opened, and they were greeted by their friend. Over the last year or so she had grown her hair out but added some red streaks to contrast its natural dark color. It may have looked silly on anyone else, but Wanda had a certain amount of class and sophistication. It made her look rather chic.

"Johnny, I'm leaving now," she said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He was on his computer going some work and grunted in response. She just laughed as she headed out the door.

"Trouble in paradise?" Kitty asked.

"Naw, he just gets that way when he's working. He's got a deadline coming up, and his editor is getting on his back because he's taking so long to finish this new book."

"If it's anything like his last one, it'll be fantastic," Kitty said, her eyes twinkling. "Then just maybe you'll get that engagement ring."

"Kitty, we are nowhere near that stage," Wanda said, but Kitty was a hopeless romantic and started planning a wedding if any of her friends had more than one date with a guy.

"Hey, girlfriends, what's going on?" a cute sixteen-year-old blonde said. She was wearing a pair of hot pink sunglasses and her short hair in high pigtails. She wore a pink glittery t-shirt and tie-dyed jeans with the sun on one leg and moon and stars on the other. She also had her purple glow in the dark sneakers on. (Note: I have that outfit in my closet.)

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