Breakfast, Anyone? Part 1

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Chapter Six: Breakfast, Anyone?

The next day dawned sooner than Remy had hoped. He was up half the night trying to come up with a plan to woo Rogue. She was a tough one, but he loved a challenge. They had connected a year ago and he wasn't able to get her out of his head, and he knew it was the same for her. The fact that she had kept the playing card proved it. She tried to play it off like it was no big deal, but she wouldn't have voiced it had it not.

So he had a plan to impress her and the entire X-Men clan, something to show them that he was more than a lowly ex-thief and ex-lackey of Magneto. He forced himself out of bed and put on his battle uniform. He would get in a light breakfast before heading down for his first danger room session. Logan was heading it, and even though he had no desire to impress the man he was important to Rogue, much like a father. Keeping the father happy would make his pending relationship with her that much easier.

After a quick shower he changed and was ready to go. Piotr met him in the hallway and looked anxious as they both made it to the kitchen. "So why you so nervous?" Remy asked. "We just goin' for trainin'. No big deal."

"Not training, Remy," Piotr said as they reached the kitchen. He wouldn't say much more than that, but Remy could guess the reason for his behavior. "Oh, it's Chaton." He gave a little chuckle as he looked in the refrigerator for the ingredients he needed. "Tin man shouldn't be nervous over de kitten. Jus' relax and let nature take its course."

"Is that what you plan to do?" Piotr asked him as he put on a pot of coffee.

"Wid Rogue it's more complicated," he said. "Got to get her to trust me an' herself, but for you it much easier. Kitty Kat, she already likes you, so you half way dere, my friend."

At that moment two chattering girls walked into the kitchen. "Rogue, I'm telling you that you need a new look," Kitty insisted. "I'm just saying we should go to the mall and pick out some cute things for you to wear. It would be like so much fun." Rogue just rolled her eyes at what Kitty considered fun. "Just think of it as a mini makeover."

"Kitty, ah'm tellin' ya that ah don't need a makeover," Rogue insisted.

"'Course she don'," Remy spoke up which startled Rogue a bit. He walked over to her and before she could protest he took both of her gloved hands and kissed them. "She's jus' perfect de way she is."

Kitty just sighed at the gesture which made Piotr smile. Remy was certainly a romantic, but Kitty had warmed up to the strong silent type. He was so handsome sitting there at the kitchen table drinking his coffee and pretending that he didn't see her.

"So, about the shopping?" Kitty questioned.

"You should go," Remy said. Rogue stood there with her hands on her hips not believing what he just said. "Buy somet'ing sexy, somet'ing red and lacy maybe."

"So now you two are conspiring against me," she said in an accusing tone. "There ain't no point 'cause no one would care." She stormed out of the kitchen.

"Rogue, wait!" Kitty called out. "I didn't mean to make her mad. I should go after her."

"No, Kitty," Piotr said and rose to his feet. "I'll do it."

Rogue raced down the hall until she heard a voice calling her. She turned around to see that it was Piotr. He easily caught up with her and she just folded her arms over and rolled her eyes

"Did Kitty send you to come after me, or was it your friend?" Rogue asked like she was conducting an interrogation.

"I volunteered," he said in a calm and rational voice. It was a good thing, because if it had been either Kitty or Remy she would have gone off on them. "Rogue, why are you so upset?"

"Ah don't know," she said, shaking her head. "Kitty can just get on my nerves sometimes, but ah guess she means well."

"Yes, she does," Piotr said, a smile forming on his face. "She is your friend, right?"

"Yeah," Rogue said hanging her head low. Now she felt guilty about the way she talked to Kitty.

"And friends should not fight," he said as she looked up.

She hesitated for a moment as he gave her a small smile for encouragement. "Okay, you're right."

"Then let us go?" Piotr asked holding out his hand.

"Alright, fine," she said and stumped back towards the kitchen. She refused to take his hand, feeling foolish enough about the stupid fight.

Piotr had a smile on his face, and he could see now the reason Kitty and Rogue were friends.

To Be Continued...

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