Chap.8:Phoenix Mode!!

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Sorry for the wait everyone but here is your story



"Well if isn't granox and slugger"
"Come on Ceylan we need to get past dromus and venetta to get to villius before he uses the black dragon key"
"Tenkai Knights! GO!"

-In villius' fortress-

Me,Lydendor and Valorn charge into battle with our weapons in hand. I jump at granox and starts slashing him with my sword.

He blocks a few of my attacks but the last hit knocks him back. I look over to valorn and lydendor "Stay foc-" I get cut off my granox hitting me

"Viltron I'm gonna enjoy beating you to a pulp." "Yeah like that's happening." he swings his weapon at me and the mace comes flying at me.

I dodge just barely and runs at him and slashes him with my sword.

Granox and Slyger get close together and put their weapons together a purple aura forms around it and a beam shoots out.
Lydendor and Valorn do the same and both the beams clash together. "We will never lose!" Chooki and Toxsa yell.

After the clash was over we ran so we could get as far away from granox and slyger as they were chasing us.

"Is this the place?" "Yeah it is" Chooki directs my attention to both the machines."So than let's destroy it." I start shooting some tenkai arrows at it while Toxsa and Chooki also attack it.

"Viltron look out!" I look over at Chooki than everything just went black. I layed unconscious on the ground.

-Guren And Ceylan's P.O.V-

Me And Ceylan finally made it to the room with the tenkai dragon but villius was already there and dromus followed us.

"Villius stop!" I tried to run up to villius and stop him but I was cut off by dromus "Dromus what are you doing!?" "Do you think I care about earth? Huh bravenwolf." I start running at Dromus but gets blown back easily. Villius laughs evilly and inserts the key

"Thanks dromus but I won't be needing you anymore"
"What, No my plan its all falling apart!" "Do you think I didn't know you were trying to control me"

I look over at dromus as he stands there in silence with his sword in hand. "Dromus I need your help to take down villius" "why should I work with you."

"And I make my own decisions and this is one I won't regret, so fine I'll work with you bravenwolf"

Villius than unleashed the power of the dragon and flew off into the sky.

-Keylan's P.O.V-

I start hearing voices calling out to me 'Keylan! Keylan! Wake up!'

I start blinking my blueish-green eyes and woke up.I looked around slowly and saw I wasn't on the battle field."huh where am I"

I than saw a turquoise light in the distance. I run over to it and I touch and the light flashes and I appear back on the battle field.

I finally woke up but I was with the entire team. "How long was I out" "for a while" "but not to long your just in time for the battle with villius"

I watch as dromus and bravenwolf combine the two dragon keys."Wait how did the white dragon key get here?" "Guren summoned it."

A beam shoots from the two keys and it hits the dragon.Than the dragon shatters into the dragon cubes."It turned into dragon cubes again!" Guren yelled out.

The dragon cubes fly towards us and enter us. I open my eyes and everything is gold. "Whoa what, is this?" "Tenkai Knights you have achieved Phoenix mode."

I felt a surge of power in my hands and looked over at villius."seems like he powered up too,but that isn't our problem now"

I step up "We will save quarton." The other four step too "And we keep all of humanity safe."I look over at them and we all nod our heads and we all clench our weapons.

"Tenkai Knights! Go!"


Hope you all enjoyed and let the battle begin between Villius and The Tenkai Knights Begin! In the next chapter Hehe.

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