One •Unholy•

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"Holy shit baby girl, so good! K-keep going, just like that!" I heard her whimper out from where I was sat, in my bed. "Gonna cum soon, oh shit!" She got louder and louder by the second and my d*ck got harder and harder.

I don't know why she had to be so loud, it was like torture for me, hearing two girls fucking each others brains out was not easy on my emotions at all. I was horny, annoyed, jealous, I don't think tortured is an emotion but all of the above, still fit. It wasn't often that she actually had sex with the girl in question, usually she was just touching herself. Very loudly, might I add.

She must know the walls are thin because I played music once and faintly heard her singing along. It was cute, she was really good actually but it didn't stop my annoyance in her direction. She may be hot as hell and she may think its funny or something to be so loud and torture me but its not. She knows I can hear. I can tell by the way she looks at me whenever we encounter each other and I hate it, I hate that she loves teasing.

"Michael they're fucking again!" I groaned when I answered the phone, he laughed loudly on the other side of the line and I groaned feeling frustrated in every way imaginable.

"Fuuuckkkk!!!" She screeched, maybe they were done? Maybe the torture on my d*ck was over?

"Ok I heard that holy crap is she with the same girl again?"

"I'm gonna say yes judging by the 'fuck yeah baby girl just like that!'" I imitated her moans and he laughed again but I could tell even he was getting flustered at the thought of it. Ever since she'd moved in a few weeks before hand I'd been listening to her party, have sex with her girlfriend, I assumed it was her girlfriend, and touch herself. It wasn't fair.

"Just go over there and say, 'hey ladies, fancy some d*ck?' I'm sure it'll work out perfectly." He laughed again, I heard Luke join in this time, I rolled my eyes and felt myself getting a little tired.

"Listen Mike, I'm gonna just go and try to sleep. Bye you asshole." I didn't even wait for him to reply I simply ended the call.

At least she'd quietened down now. I lay back in my bed, I was only wearing my boxers so you can imagine the look of annoyance and disgust on my face when I saw my d*ck standing tall begging to be dealt with. It always made me feel guilty when I got off to the noises she was making. I didn't care much about the other girl, she was irrelevant to me but Bella...goddamn.

I reached my hand down into my boxers and wrapped it around my length imagining it was her rather than me. When the pleasure kicked in the guilt left and I had a clear image in my mind of her doing unholy things while I did my best to keep the moans of her name at a low level.

Wouldn't want to let her hear, we were complete opposites in that sense.

*this was pretty short, I cri xD

How was it?! This isn't the extent of the smut btw there'll be actual smut in the future...

Vote and comment babies

Love y'all*

∞Calum Hood∞ Lesbian NextDoorWhere stories live. Discover now