Two •8-A-fucking-M•

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I was woken up the next morning by loud knocking on my door, I groaned in annoyance and looked over at the clock.

8 A-fucking-M?! Who even has the audacity to knock my door at such an ungodly hour?!

I climbed out of bed almost tripping up on my covers as I headed for the door, as I looked down I noticed I had morning wood and nothing to cover it. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me rushing for the door which was still being knocked eagerly.

"I'm coming! I swear to god Lukey if this is you I'm going to end your life!" I growled at the thought of him doing this like he had a few times before. I tried my best to make it to the door without falling back to sleep. I finally got to it and swung it open, my expression softened to a confused one as I looked down at none other than Bella stood there in a silky gown thing. She smiled sarcastically and walked past me into my apartment.


"Of course you can come in!" I sassed turning to her, she clicked her tongue and tapped her foot on my wooden flooring like a mother waiting for an explaination. "Nice to see you again, Bella. Now, what the heck do you want?"

"Can you be quieter next time you get off to me and my friend like a perv?" He raised her eyebrow and I scoffed out a laugh and threw my hands into the air. "What?"

"You're serious? You're actually serious?"

"She complained about it and told me to come over and tell you to stop. We could hear you pretty clearly.." She didn't seem angry anymore she seemed a little smug, very pleased with herself actually.

Maybe this was her plan all along? To purposely tease and annoy me with her incredulous loudness and then complain when I gave into my natural urges. If that's the case...she's a very strange, sexy woman. Very strange, very sexy....

"O fucking K then, Bella. So sorry for the goddamn inconvenience!" I sassed. She grinned at me and I looked at her confused, her eyes scanned up and down my body and her bottom lip was sucked between her teeth. This gave me a very good chance to properly look at her, I mean we were on a level where we knew names and I'd heard her orgasming but most in between that was a mystery oddly enough.

She was fairly short, tanned skin I doubt that she was 100% white by her figure and skin tone, she had green eyes, big ass, fairly big boobs, perfectly straight teeth I noticed and her tan coloured hair tied up on top of her head. It was pretty obvious she'd not been awake for long due to the time as well as her not well put together appearance but somehow she still looked unbelievably radiant.

And fuckable...

While I stared her down she stepped closer to me running her pointer finger down my chest and tugging lightly at the blanket I was holding tightly onto.


"Shhh..." She wasn't even a fraction as loud as she was being before when she pressed herself against me lightly, "I'm not really mad but she wanted me to come over and say something. You thinking of me that way actually made me very....wet, not annoyed. I'd like to know more about you Calum."

"Uhm..yeah, sure. Ok. I'd say keep the noise down but I really can't decide if I want you to." I smirked down at her, suddenly feeling more confident than annoyed at her intrusion. She leaned up again, her fingertips lightly playing with the elastic of my boxers and her lips not quite touching my neck but so so close.

"Trust me, you don't want to miss out." She pressed a light kiss to the skin and pulled away, she gave a quick wink before walking away making sure to swing her ass side to side enough to make me drool.

Out of curiosity I went over to the wall and pressed my ear against it hearing what she had to say to the girl in her room which I was now guessing wasn't her girlfriend. A fuck buddy maybe but a girlfriend probably not. I wanted to know what exactly she'd tell her, I imagined that her 'girlfriend' had heard the first part of our conversation but not the end of it.

"He seemed pissed..." The other girl, still unnamed, said sounding suspicious.

"No, no. I'm pretty sure he's fine. Just a horny guy who heard your pretty moans baby." I heard Bella assure her, her seemingly endless confidence levels never dropping even for a second. After that there were a lot of noises that resembled kissing and I knew I needed to get out of the apartment before I pushed myself one step closer to becoming addicted to jerking off.

I'll go see the boys, nothing will turn me on at their place.

I got dressed as fast as possible and just as I was about to slide my phone into my jeans pocket it vibrated, I rolled my eyes having a feeling who it would be and pulled it back up so I could properly see the screen.


Please just talk to me?! Jeez I'm sorry I cheated just....please?!

I rolled my eyes at her pathetic excuse for an apology and started to type back but before I could finish there was another unread message in the thread.


I'll never do it again cal I swear

I scoffed out a laugh and shook my head slowly barely able to hear the noise of Bella and her friend getting a little louder with their affections.


Damn fucking right you won't! Text me again and I'll block you I mean it.

With that I headed out of my front door and walked past Bellas, thank god is gotten out. They were being loud by that point and I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Unfortunately though, now I had even more girl problems to deal with on top of the previous ones. Something told me that Bella was top of the priority list though because you know...she's Bella.

*Bella Bella Bella....chu crayzy mayn xD

Vote and comment babies

Love yall*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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