Tears of blood

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The blade slicing across my writs and my theigths watching the blood drip to floor and it just kept flowing like a river it was beautiful every minute my tears would fall in the river it was so beautiful my head started to spin. I woke up to him the boy who stayed freaking out trying to stop the blood. He pulled his shirt off and rip strips and put them on and my cuts. He asksed me why would i do this why I would destroy my beautiful body? You need to go to a hospital. No!! I can't they will find me I can't pleas don't make me I won't do it again I promise I'll do whatever you want please just don't make me go. Fine I won't make you go but your mom she was at my house this morning shes really worried about you she was In tears. I don't care I'm not going back I won't let the state have me !! I just won't !! He said okay okay chill out its fine. He sat down beside me not caring about the puddle of blood and we cuddled. I Was still dizzy I had lost a lot of blood if he wouldn't have found me when he did I would have bleed out part of me was glad he found me and the other part was pissed. We cuddled for maybe two hours until his phone rang. He answered it. It was his friends they wanted to hang out he told them where he was and I got mad and pointed out that I was coved in blood and so was he now. So he asked his friends to grab him an outfit and a pair of his PJ pants and one of his t-shirts and one of his hoodies.
------20 minutes later
He friends showed up with the clothes when they seen us they asked what happened and he explained everything to them and for once his friends actually showed they cared. He asked his friend if they would go get hair dye and some stuff so that it would be easier to hide my identity he handed then money and they left. He stayed and made me put clean clothes on. I was now wearing a pair of his PJ pants and his T-shirt. He gave me the hoodie and said its for when you get cold. He used my old clothes to clean up the blood and he moved me to a different room he layed the blanket on me and I feel asleep. He woke me up when his friends got back they bought a bunch of stuff and I had no idea why. He said he would dye my hair so I let him because well he had a good idea I didn't know what color he was dyeing it I didn't think to ask. When it was time to rinse the dye out I tried to tell him the water didn't work here the house was Abandoned he told me he knew it didn't work so we walked to his house a block over. When I got there he rinsed my hair out and blow dryed it he said I couldn't look at it until he was done. I asked him where his family was at he said vacation I wanted to stay home . So he had the house to his self the whole entire summer.when he was done with my hair he asked me if I was ready.I asked for what. He said were gonna pirece your lip and your ears
Its gonna look good on you. I asked do you know how? He said my cousin dose and he ows me a favor hes down stairs and he said he will do it for you for free. I said I gusse and me and him walked down stairs. They did my lip witch really didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would but it did hurt.and my ears they didn't hurt at all. I asked if I could go see what I looked like but he told me no not yet and handed me presents I looked at him funny and he said my friends did it they thought it would be fun to learn to wrap stuff I just laughed. I open a small one first a necklace it was beautiful. The second third fourth and fifth were clothes and the six and seventh were shoes. He picked me out an outfit then said go put this on in there since there's not a mirror in there. I went and changed I didn't have to look in a mirror i felt pretty. When I was done changing I walked out of the room and jaws dropped. I just smiled and blushed. I asked if I could go look in a mirror now and he said yes you can. I walked up to a body mirror and what I saw was not me at all but I was hot my hair was not brown  anymore nope instead it was blonde & pink and purple. I had never looked so good in my life. I felt like a queen.he said now we need a name to call you cause we can't use your real name. We decided to change my name to Ravenna ray lynn.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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