Four 'Looking nice Hemmings'

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"What are you planning on wearing tonight A?"

"My yellow dress I think, why?" I lifted my eyebrow up and smirked.

"Really your yellow dress you usually wear things that are skin tight?"

I scoffed that was rude even if she was my bestfriend "Well thanks first my boyfriend and then my best friend.."

"No no I didn't mean it like that oh god" she looked so upset and angry with herself. But what she said was true and I was ashamed.

"It's fine, why?" I just brushed off the criticism.

"Well I was wondering if I could borrow that like purpley blue dress?"

"Yeah sure, have it if you want it?"

Phoebe walked out the room to go and make a glass of vodka and coke for us both.

"Hey Pheebs you have a message!"

"Just answer it for me it will probably be my dad"

I picked up her phone unlocking it only to find out it wasn't her dad. It was Keith.

I opened the message;
Hey babe, Meet me at Luke's party come up stairs and the third bed room on the left ;)




My eyes widened.

"Hey A who was it?"

"Erm no one it was just a Instagram notification" I said giving her her phone back.

She smiled giving me my drink and then we went upstairs to get dressed.


"That will be $89.56 please ma'm" I handed her the money got my change and then walked to Luke's.

"Hey Ally why you walking so fast?" Phoebe asked trying to run in 6inch heels where as I had converse on.

"We need to get there before everyone comes" I said trying not to be as ratty and angry so she wouldn't find out.

"Here we are, right?" Well Phoebe said really excitedly. 

"Yeah" I rang the door bell with about seven bags of vodka in my hands and Phoebe is was just standing there. Cracking her knuckles nervously.

"Welcome to mi casa ladies, you have the vodka?" Luke opened the door and I had to say he looked nice. He had on a red and navy flannel and grey skinny jeans.

"Looking nice Hemmings," I could feel Phoebe angrily staring at my neck probably wanting my head to explode.

"You don't look to bad yourself Ally do you have the alcohol?" He said winking at me.

"ermm yeah" I said still standing outside as Luke wasn't letting us in.

"Great thanks" he said taking the bags and signalling for us to follow him in.

This night was going to be dramatic. All because of Keith, fucking Keith.

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