The Police Station

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There I was, doing what I've been dreaming of since I met Chris. These were definitely not the circumstances that I pictured, but we might as well make the best of the situation.

I was sitting next to Chris, basically on his lap, feeding off of his warmth, wanting to get as close to him as possible. Our hands were intertwined while I played with his small strands of hair on the back of his head with the other. My head was on his shoulder for support.

Everyone was silent, except for Emily of course who, even after being through hell, finds something to complain about. We were all going to be interviewed, then going to a hospital to check all of our injuries.

I was still in a state of shock. I didn't want to think about everything, as I assume Chris was right now. I couldn't, my head was still throbbing from Josh's blow to my eye and I'm still debating if this is just a horrid nightmare.

We finally landed, yet it didn't faze any of us. We all just stood their as if nothing happened. After a minute of just sitting their, the pilot came in and told us to get up and go into the station. This forced me to get out of my comfortable position, leaving me cold as I got up.

"Chris..don't leave me." I blurted out, not filtering my thoughts from my words.

"Don't worry Ash, I won't leave your side." Chris got up, keeping a firm grip on my hand.

We got out of the Helicopter and went into the police station. They directed us into stone rooms with a table and chairs in each one. I went with Chris and I let him do the talking. They asked a series of questions, and we knew exactly why. They didn't believe us.

"You said you thought he was stalking you at first-did anyone else in the group think that?"

"Well yeah.."

"Is it possible they could've killed him?"

"What? No, you don't understand. Don't you understand-" Chris shook his head at the interviewer, frustrated with what they were saying.

I stayed silent. Why won't they understand? It was the weindigo...

After finishing off with Chris they directed to me.

"Didn't know? Who did you stab?"

"I stabbed the maniac. I didn't know it was Josh but then he was the psycho and how was I suppose to know Josh had all of the saws and guns and oh my god.." I was getting worked up, talking fast and taking heavy breaths. I couldn't do more.

We finished talking and we all got into the van. Chris and I assumed the same position as in the helicopter and nobody talked again. I got closer to Chris this time, and instead of fiddling with his hair, I swung my arm around his torso and closed my eyes. I needed some rest after that long night.

Until Dawn; Epilogue: Chris and AshleyWhere stories live. Discover now