How You Hug // Preference

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Pan: He cant seem weak in front of the lost boys. That's why he does the quick hug. You'd obviously understand, and you loved it when he whispered sweet things in your ears.

Henry: The side hug was your guy's choice. He loved to have you in his arms.

Robin: Being Mr. Outlaw, everything could change in a second...but not his love for you. He always would surprise you by hugging you from behind.

Neal: He was such a sweet person, that every time you hugged, it was a big bear hug. He loved hugging you close, and it made you feel safe in his arms.

Hook: He was always careful with his hook, but you never minded. Alas, he'd do the one arm hug, but to you, it was the best hug imaginable. He'd old you close to his chest with one arm, and you could hear his heart beating.

Graham: His choice was to literally sweep you off your feet in a hug. He'd twirl you around and you loved it.

August: August would rest his head on yours, and hold you. He tells you that he could hold you close for hours.

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