RazihelxRebel (fanfic trade)

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Hi everyone! This was for a fanfiction trade with Pointlesscensor ! She agreed to write a DilumixTristam one-shot if I would write a RazihelxRebel one-shot. If you didn't know, Rebel is Pointlesscensor's OC from her book Monstercat High. I highly recommend checking that out if you are enjoying my book Monstercat University or if you like this! I've been working very hard on this today, and it ended up becoming something bigger than I thought. It was fun to write, and I'm so happy with how it turned out. Pointlesscensor and I are very excited to bring the results of our trade to you. If you haven't yet, go check out "DilumixTristam (fanfic trade)" in her Short Stories book after reading this!!


     "It's going to be on Saturday night, September 12th," Monstercat was saying. "I'm pairing you all up, and you're going to play sets together. They're half an hour each."
     "Wait, all of us?" said Sound Remedy.
     "Can we do a contest?!?" 7 Minutes Dead asked.
     "I don't think the Pegboard Nerds should be allowed to compete! They're way too experienced!" Rezonate complained.
     Monstercat laughed. "Hey, you're right. The Pegboard Nerds will be the judges along with Haywyre, Bad Kitty and I."
     "Yesss!!" Haywyre said, grinning.
     "I already have some of you guys paired up. But no, not all of you have to enter. I'll go ahead and say who I have paired up." I rested my forehead on my hands and closed my eyes, hoping with all my heart that Monstercat didn't call my name.
     "Draper and Protostar. 7 Minutes Dead and San Holo."
     "Yes!" 7 Minutes Dead shouted.
     "Varien and Tristam. Muzzy and Droptek. Rebel and Razihel." Crap! I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. Not only did Monstercat enter me, he put me with the artist who I had the biggest crush on! No, no, no...
     "Noisestorm and Fractal. Those are all the ones I have together so far. Any of you guys can find a partner and enter if you want. But there is limited space. So if you want to sign up, don't hesitate for too long. There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, out in the hallway." Suddenly the room came alive with chatter. No...crap, this was terrible. I had the worst stage fright. Some of it went away the first time I played a set, with Varien, but still, it was pretty bad. I shuddered, remembering what happened last time they announced I would be playing, and suddenly, tears sprang into my eyes from out of nowhere.
     "Rebel, you ok?" someone asked. I looked up to see it was DotEXE talking to me. Well, he preferred Summer Was Fun now, but I could never remember.
     "Yeah, sorry, I just..." I shrugged and shook my head. Razihel. Looking back down, I tried to figure out why on earth Monstercat had paired me with Razihel. My classes were glitch hop, future bass, and chillout. Razihel's classes, if I recalled correctly, were dubstep, electro, and trap. We didn't even make the same kind of music. Well, he used to make glitch hop, so maybe that could be a place to start. I wonder what kind of stuff he likes to play live, I thought. Guess I'll ask him. I got up from the table and wandered across the room, trying to find where the guy was sitting. He didn't look to be there, but I wasn't too surprised, because not everybody came to dinner 7 days a week. Maybe he had gotten pizza or something. I decided to call him and see. Glancing around one last time, I headed out the double doors and leaned against the wall while I dialed Razihel's number.
     "Hey Rebel!" he answered, with a happy tone in his voice.
     "Hey. Um...Monstercat just announced a back to back set contest. And we're paired together." Razihel's line was silent for a moment, like he was trying to take it in.
     "Oh! Uh...th-that's great!" he stammered. "Do you want to meet me at my dorm and we can go over it then?" he said quickly. He was talking in a high voice too, almost like he was nervous, but I didn't know why.
     "Uh, sure! What time?"
     "Right now's fine. I was just working hard on a track. Not really that hungry."
     "Okay. I've finished eating. I'll be there in a second. Assuming I don't get caught."
     "That's alright. Hey, I'm a bit of a rebel myself," Razihel said. I could almost see him raising one of his dark eyebrows as he said it, and I laughed. After we hung up, I jogged down the hall, encountering a few artists along the way. I decided to take the longer route to the boys' dorms just to ensure no one caught me, so I also had to walk most of the way down the hall to get to Razihel's room. He opened the door almost instantly, and I was greeted by his warm smile and that adorable, boyish face he had when he had just shaved pretty recently. He was wearing a grey hoodie, but the hood was down, so I could see his full head of brown hair.
     "Hey! C'mon in!" he said.
     "Wow, cool room!" I complimented, stepping inside and looking around.
     "Thanks! And sorry my hair is such a mess."
     "It's fine." I wanted to tell him what I was thinking, that his hair looked awesome, but obviously I couldn't just do that.
     "You want something to drink?"
     "Sure! What do you have?"
     "Mountain Dew," Razihel responded simply. "For some reason, Noisestorm decided he was going to buy...like...thir- I mean, twenty packs of Mountain Dew. So he's giving it out to everybody. We have a ton of it in here."
     "I'll take one," I giggled.
     "Alright," Razihel said, heading into the kitchen. I heard him open and close the refrigerator door, and he came back holding one can of the drink in each hand.
     "Thank you," I said as he handed one to me and opened the other, taking a large sip out of it. While I was tasting mine, Razihel leaned over his laptop, which was sitting on his bed, and clicked a few things. I tucked a strand of my long, dark brown hair behind my ear, trying to get it out of my face.
     "Alright," Razihel said, standing back up. "So you said we're playing a set together?"
     "That's what Monstercat said. It's Saturday night." Razihel nodded.
     "How long?"
     "Half an hour. So how do you usually go about sets? Like, do you plan a lot?"
     "Yeah, well...I plan most of it usually. Or sometimes I just pick out a few tracks I know for sure I'm going to play, and then work around those while I'm playing. For something like this I think I'd plan the whole thing, since it's a contest. Or we can plan part of it and then leave the rest up to that night. It doesn't really matter."
     "I think I'd feel better if I knew what I was doing," I said, swallowing a lump in my throat as I thought about my stage fright. "I mean...I'm kind of..." I fought to steady my breath as tears began to form in my eyes again. Crap! Please don't cry in front of him! I thought to myself. "I have stage fright. I'm really scared," I spilled out in a quivery voice, looking straight into Razihel's eyes. A tear slipped down my cheek.
     "Oh. Come here," Razihel said, spreading his arms out wide. Not hesitating, I stumbled forward and let him wrap me up in his arms. Once I was there, I seemed to lose all recollection of why I was even sad, and I just wanted us to stay like that forever. As I gripped onto the back of Razihel's hoodie, the bad feelings tried to seep back into my mind, but it was easy to quickly block them out again. I squeezed my eyes shut and made a tiny, involuntary squeak, then I sniffed loudly. Razihel only held me tighter. Opening my eyes, I began to wonder which of us was going to pull away first. He wouldn't have held onto me this long unless he was either trying to be extremely nice, or he liked me too. Nah, that was impossible. But if I held onto him for too long, maybe he would find out I liked him. Then he would avoid me, and I'd have no chance with him at all. So I reluctantly pulled away.
     "Thank you," I spoke quietly.
     "You're welcome."
     "I like your blanket," I said, bending down and rubbing the soft fabric with my hand. Dang, I would die to curl up with something that soft for one night.
     "Thanks. My mom sent it to me for Christmas." Razihel smiled.
     "So what kind of stuff do you like to play live?"
     "Oh, all kinds of stuff. Bouncy stuff...big room stuff...hardcore stuff...trap...you name it. And I love heavy glitch hop stuff."
     "Like Razor Sharp?"
     "Yeah, kinda like that."
     "We've gotta play the bounce edit of Titans!!" I said, grinning.
     "Sure thing. We'll do that. Here, sit down." Razihel grabbed his laptop and sat on one side of the bed while I sat on the other, carefully setting my Mountain Dew down on a flatter area of the bed, as I observed Razihel was doing the same.
     "Oh, I really like the quote you posted on Twitter a couple days ago."
     "Thanks! I love it too." I stood up momentarily to adjust my position, but when I sat back down, my drink tipped over. I gasped and tried to upright the can, but it was too late. Razihel rapidly snatched up his laptop and jerked it away as the Mountain Dew started to soak into his blanket.
     "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Razihel!" I shouted, trying to wipe up some of the spilled liquid with the sleeve of my hoodie.
     "Please don't do that. I'll get it." Razihel set his laptop down and then rushed out of the room. That was an excellent impression you just made, Rebel. He returned with several paper towels. I got out of his way and watched him soak up what he could from the top of the blanket and then lift it up and stuff the paper towels under it where the drink had probably gone through.
     "I'm so sorry..."
     "It's okay, really. And, by the way, you can call me Nick if you want."
     "As if there aren't already three Nicks here to keep track of," I scoffed.
     "True. Call me Raz then." He said it in a calm and serious voice, and I couldn't tell if he was about to explode or if he couldn't care less that I'd just spilled Mountain Dew all over his blanket...and possibly the corner of his laptop, which he was now wiping off as well. Yeah, this was going really great. "Here," Raz said, grabbing a notebook and a pen off his side table. "We can write out the set in this. Do you need any more Mountain Dew?" I was still holding my can, and it felt pretty full.
     "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks." I gingerly took a seat on the bed again, holding onto my drink this time. Raz set his drink on the side table, pulled up Ableton Live on his laptop, and then started cracking his knuckles.
     "Please don't do that...it creeps me out..." I said quickly, shuddering. He stopped short and smirked at me, then he brought his hands closer to my ear. I let out a squeal and leaned away from him.
     "Raz, no!!" I started to slide off the bed, but he grabbed onto my hoodie and pulled me back up so I was even closer to him. Just as I expected it to, my heart rate began to escalate, and my chest felt light and fluttery. I tried to keep myself calm and focused as we began to work on our tracklist, but the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling of how close I was to Razihel. And for some reason he didn't even seem to mind.

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