The Pastor's Daughter & The Thug - Chapter 10.

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Whoo got to chapter 10! (: //

I had been in the hospital for a couple days, and then was released. I was staying in a motel. Derek would come see me daily. But we had been having problems. A lot. Since he wouldn't come and live with me instead of his brother. I was tired of this. I wasn't going to take it anymore. My life was falling apart. I was packing my bags, and everything, when Derek walked in. he looked confused, and smelled horrible. He then stormed to me and pulled me away from my packing. He was drunk. I could instantly tell as he frowned.

"Wh-what are you.. Doing?" He gripped my arm, trying to keep me from packing.

I sighed and pulled away from his grip. I was tired of this. He would either come over, pissed, drunk or high off something stupid. I just wanted to go back home. Where I belonged. 'I'm leaving Derek. I'm going home.."

I saw his expression go from confused to, hurt, and then anger. He then threw me against the wall. You could hear a thud as I closed my eyes and winced. Mumbling 'ow', I didn't want him to hear as I just watched him come closer. He was glaring daggers at me. As he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. Pushing me on the bed. Towering over me. "Your not leaving." He growled.

I pushed him away from me as I quickly went back to my suitcase, trying to pack my bag as he was unpacking my clothes as I was packing them back in. I scowled at him. "Derek. Stop. I'm leaving."

Derek quickly changed his attitude. It was the alcohol. He gave me a sad pouty face as he softly stroked my hair behind my ear. "Rosa.. Please don't leave. I can change. I promise."

I sighed, it was this everyday, and I was at the point where I was ready to leave. i didn't want this love or whatever it was anymore. I didn't want this life. I knew that, that baby was keeping us stable and now that it was gone. We had nothing. I was stuck here all day and Derek would go out and party, drink and smoke some dumb ass drug. I turned to him, seeing pain in his eyes.

"Derek. you say that every damn day. When is ever going to fucken' happen?" I snarled at him, as I pushed past him and got more of my clothes to pack.

He frowned and went after me as he tried to stop me, from packing more clothes. "Oh Rosa.. Please. I promise I can.."

"You won't though. That's why I'm leaving. For good this time Derek.."

Me and Derek's relationship had been spiralling downward. Ever since Michael had raped me, Whenever Derek wasn't around, Michael came by and would sexually assault me. I couldn't tell Derek he would just get angry and then hit me and then go and tell Michael and he could hurt me for ratting him out. Derek could easily see through me and then asked,

"Why are you leaving anyway?" I felt him staring at me, staring right through me. I bit my lip gently. Lying to him.

I couldn't lie anymore. "You and your dumb ass brother." I knew he was mad since he heard me say his brother. Derek wanted to believe Michael was a perfect big brother. Lies. He was horrible and he was turning my Derek into him.

"Why are you always bringing Michael into this? He doesn't even do anything!" He screamed at me, as he shut my suit case so I couldn't pack my clothes into it.

"You don't know him, like I do." I said back as I stared at him. Even though he was like a foot taller then me. Knowing that one stung him, as he stepped closer.

"You don't know him like you do? Really? He's my fucking brother not your's!" He growled as he pushed me back lightly.

I then felt flames burst in my insides. As I then pushed him back, as he stumbled, landing on his butt and looking up at me. Shocked. "He has been sexually assaulting me. You dick!" I cried out as I then stormed to the bathroom. Sitting on the closed toilet, crying lightly. I had finally let it out. I knew Derek was shocked as he quickly tried to open the door.

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