The Pastor's Daughter & The Thug - Chapter 15.

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This chapter is dedicated to anybody to actually takes time too read this and my very close friend Julia, for always inspiring too keep writing and saying that she wants this book autographed. I love you Julia and EVERYBODYYY(:

Also this is FINALLY out, I know, I was getting them out every couple days but I have been busy, sorry(:

As I slowly walked to Derek's bed side. I smiled happily in joy and awe. I almost felt shocked, he it had been a couple weeks and it was almost like falling in love again. I bit my lip and sat by his bed side as he just sat up slightly and smiled happily too.

"Rosa. I missed you so much." He looked like he was in a trance of happiness. He just stared at me, in joy. My feelings for him growing stronger but the affair still was eating at me.

I nodded as I smiled gently at him. I then broke the silence as I hugged him but not hard enough to hurt his wound. As he hugged me back. Kissing my forehead. "I missed you so much too Derek." But in the pit of my stomach I felt horrible. He then broke away.

"My mom.. What happened too her?" He asked gently his eyes staring into my soul. I knew he knew it wouldn't be good. But he wanted to believe she would always be here.

I broke the hug as I sighed and looked at him, not wanting to tell him. It would break his heart and I never wanted to do that, though this would and my affair will too. "Oh Derek." I spoke softly as I paused, "She didn't make it. I'm so sorry.."

I watched his heart shatter as he looked down. I know he was trying to hide the tears that were falling. But even a thug cries over the death of his own mother. It's human nature. He then wiped his tears away and wiped his nose. Trying to look like he wasn't crying.

"Derek. You know she loves you, right? And she always will."

He just nodded as he then adjusted himself in his hospital bed. Gwen then walked in, as she smiled her perky smile. "Guess who gets to go home!" She gushed happily We both looked up as Derek then questioned.

"We don't have a home though." He spoke too me, not knowing who Gwen even was.

"We do. We live with Gwen, and her husband Paul." I spoke with a faint smiling, Looking towards Gwen. Derek must have gotten the hint as he looked at Gwen and smiled softly.

"This is Gwen? Where did you meet her?.." He questioned almost lost.

"When you went into a coma, I met her and she was very sweet and I have been living with her ever since."

Derek nodded as Gwen the gave him his clothes and belongings that he had before the shooting happened as he slowly got up and went into the bathroom. Changing and packing up his bags. He then walked out and he looked like old Derek that I loved. I smiled happily as I hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back, I could feel his bandages that were around his chest as he then kissed me.

A kiss I needed. It was passionate and i felt the sparks and tingles. When we broke away I grinned happily as he did too. He then took my hand. As Gwen lead us out and admitted Derek too leave. She told us we could leave in her truck as we both got in.

Derek driving. He sighed in content as he started it up and drove towards the directions he was given from Gwen, he then looked at me as I stared out the window at the passing trees.


I turned my heads towards him with a smile as I then asked, "Yeah Derek?"

"What happened to Michael?" He asked with reluctance as he then broke the gaze and stared back at the road.

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