Fourth Period The Track

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When we get there we all have to start doing our streches.

"So Anthony is in this class to".

"Yep sadly"said Richard

"Anthony is big bully" said Christopher

"Whats the worst Anthony can do other than spit spitballs at us".

"Get his stupid jerk friends and jump us after school". said Craig

"Come I think you guys are just over reacting"

"No we're not because we've already got jumped by him and his five friends last year ,and gave Richard and I each a black eye ,and broke Craig's arm when he tried to fight back".sadly said Christopher

"What that jackass is going to pay for" then I was interrupted by the gym teacher.

"Ok maggots now I want you to run six laps"! he yells

"Lay off of them honey. Boys go jog three laps and go at your own pace same for you girls". the woman said and kissed Mr.Trotter.

We all start jog our first lap ,and out of no where Artemis came up and started jogging with us. She was wearing the same outfit as me ,but her shirt was tighter than mine ,and was v-neck ,so you see her beast a little bit.

"Hey Richard. Hey Craig. Hey Christopher. Hey Baywatch".she said with a smirk

"Hello Artabitch".

"Ha Ha Ha hilarious Wallace" she said

"So where is your bestie Rose"?

"She's coming over here now she was talking to Mrs.Trotter

Right after she said that Rose starts jogging past us. She was wearing a pair of glod jogging shorts and a black belly shirt that said Gotham Academy across it. You could tell Anthony liked it because start running to her to get better I guess. Than when got to her she started running full speed to her away from him ,and ended up finishing her lap. Then She walked slowly I guess She was waiting for us. When we got to her start jogging next to Artemis.

"So you four took forever on that last lap".Rose said with a smirk across her face.

"Well ah maybe if we were trying to get away from that than we would have been as fast as you"said Artemis

"So if that's the case let's have a race to see if you beat me".Rose said a smile.

"Challenge accepted. Does anyone else want to join"? asked Artemis

"I'll join"!said Christopher

"Me to"! shouted Craig

"Wally Richard you in".

We both shake our head to decline.

"We'll be the judges" said Richard
"Wait before you go.......I beat ten dollars on Artemis to win"!

"I beat twenty on Rosie"!shouted Richard

"Aww that's soooo sweet Dickie! she says in a sweet voice.

I look to my right and see Richard's face is as red as my hair.

"Ok then on your mark get set go"!

They all start to run Christopher in fourth ,Craig in third ,and Artemis and Rose neck to neck. Out of no where Rose gets in the lead ,and wins the race. Then all four of them start for Richard and I.

"So I guess I owe you ten dollars.......Dickie".

He starts to blush and shouts "Don't call me that Wally only Rosie can call me that"!

"Oh why you two dating"?

"No"! he yells

Then they get us.

"So maybe you are faster than us". said Artemis

""she said and than started running again.

"Why are you still running"?

Right after I said that she started doing cartwheels down the track.

"Ok now your just showing off"! yelled Craig

She stops doing cartwheels and yells back "Yes I am"!

A Few Minutes Later

"Ok maggots go do whatever you want while I spend sometime with my wife"said Mr.Trotter

We run to the Artemis right after he said that.

"Hey Artemis where's Rose"

"I don't know actually" she replied

"She's sitting on the track"blurted out Craig

We all run up to her and she has tears pouring down her cheeks.

"What's wrong Rosie"! shouts Richard

"I-I lost my n-necklace. It was my praised p-pasaion. I never take off P-please will help me find it". she says sadly

"Of course we will Rose" I say. Then she hugged me when she relesd me my cheast was a little from her tear. When I turned I see Richard and Artemis give me an evil glare than start they started looking for her necklace. A few minutes later Richard yells "I found it"! It was a sliver chain with a green tear drop shaped charm. She ran to Richard repeating Thank you ,hugged him ,grabbed the necklace ,put it on ,and then she kissed his cheek. His was reder than my hair. Then teacher shouted "Ok maggots go change ,so I can get rid of you! And lady's please go to the locker room". said and shouted.

Back In The Locker Room

We all get in our class uniforms.

"So Richard are you sure you and Rose aren't dating"

"We aren't dating"! He barked back at me

"Yeah Wally a fine ass girl like that wouldn't date any of you losers" said Anthony

"Well she isn't dating you either ,so than by your logic you called yourself a loser" replied Richard

Anthony grabs his collar and pushes him up against the lockers and barked "Was that suppost to be funny DICK"!

"Yes and No ,but I would be surprised if you knew the difference".Richard answers with a smirk. Then Anthony punches Richard while his stupid buddies held us back. After he punched him like five times in the gut and twice in the face. Then he dropped him and they all ran.

"Dude are you ok"

"We tried to tell you Wally"! shouts Craig

Richard stand up ,spits blood ,and than replis " I'm fine let's just go to lunch".

The whole way their we try to take him to the nurse ,but he just keep saying no.

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