Sixth Period Drama in Drama Part 2

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I see Barbra walk she goes on the other side of the room and sits in the seat on the other side of Richard.

"For the play we will need the Chorus students and any Chorus students from my class who don't end up being in the play to do the background music". said Mr.Wilts

Right when he finished Rose's hand shot up."Yes, Rosilina". said Mr.Wilts

"When are try outs" She asked

"Well I'm doing the male parts first and then the female parts". he anwsered

"Is that suppost to be sexist to the female gender Mr.Wilts because if so". she said back

"No, It's just because there is less boys than girls"! he said back

"Oh.....Ok than". she said sweetly and seat back in her seat.

"What day is the male tryouts"? asked Richard

"Oh that is next Monday,and the female part is on next Tuesday" he answered

"Oh ok than" said Richard

He than begins to pass out the script and music for the play and say "Now for the rest of class I want you to study the script or music with the people around you. I began to look over the script by myself.

Richard's POV

I get the script he was passing out ,and I begin to read it over. Then I'm interrupted by Babs "Why isn't Wally over here with us"?

"Because he thinks he better than us because he has become BBF's with Anthony Thomas".

"Oh.....why would any normal person be friends with him"? she asked

"I..don't....know"I replied upsetly

It was a few minutes of awkward silice that was interrupted by Artemis. "So Barbra I probably not going to tryout for the play and just sing with you".

"Oh great we can practice together. What about two"? Babs said while turning to Rosie and I.

"Oh I'm trying out".

"I as well" replied Rosie with a smile

"Cool what parts do y'all want" asked Artemis

"Want...I know I'm going to be the Prince".

"What makes you say that"? asked Babs

"I'm one of his favorite student because I don't threaten to sue him" I say turning to Rosie to see what she will say.

"That happened twice Ok" she replies. With made Artemis giggle. Then she said "So Rose what part do you want"?

"I want to be Auroa but if I can't get that part I want to be one of the fairies" she said with a sweetly

"Dude Rosie that's awesome than we can practice. That's if you want to".

"I would love to practice with you Dickie" replies Rosie

"Great ,so then we will all have someone to work with"

"Except for Wally" said Arty

"He can practice with Anthony"

Then the bell rang, I grabbed my stuff, and Babs and I headed for Latin class.

Wally's POV

I head for my locker When coming down the hallway I saw Artemis and Rose leaving that area ,so I walk to my locker than Anthony and Max walked over.

"Wallman what's your next class"? asked Anthony

"I have Latin class".

"I have French class". added Max

"Yeah and I have Spanish class. We should walk together all our classes are near each other ". said Anthony

"Yeah that's cool with me"

Then we start walking to class. First we got to Max's class and dropped him off.

"Dude can you do me a favor"? he asked me

"I guess. what is it"?

"Get Rose to go on a date with me" he replied

"I could try ,but I think she has a thing he Richard".

"Do you mean Richard Grayson"? he asked


"Ok then see you later". he said as if he was thinking really hard about something

"K than bye"

Then I walk in the Latin room.

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