The Mission

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Wally's POV

We get our bikes and head to Gotham.

Gotham 10:37

We went on patrol around Gotham ,and this was my chance to tell them I'm sorry.

"Guys I'm sorry. Really it's not a joke".

"Well than proveit" said Rob

"Well when Anthony was talking about you guys I tried to hit him".

"What do you mean tried"? asked Artemis

"I mean I missed and one of his friends knocked me out".

"I know". stated Rob

"Wait how do you know"?

"I was leavening computer club and I saw the whole think" he replied

In the middle of the conversation we heard a man scream. We than ran to wear the scream came from. We saw a man laying on the ground saying No No don't ,and an assassin standing over him with a gun pointed at him. Robin threw a birdrang which made the gun blow up ,and the person flew back. Then the man ran for his life. I us my speed to get to the person ,but the assassin triped me which made me fall on my face. Artemis then
started to shot arrows at the person. The persondouged all of them ,but one ,and that one the person caught it and broke it in half. Robin end up round house kicking the person. Which must have scared the person because they threw a smoke bomb and disappeared into the night. So we just got on our bikes and headed back to the cave.

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