The Project

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You were on your way to the club with blank paper, markers, crayons, and paint. You wanted to set things up before class. You walk in to set it all up before anyone came inside. You put the art stuff and paper on the table. Then you walk out and back to class.

You looked around the classroom.. you were bored.. you didn't feel like writing down notes. Your eyes wandered around til they landed towards Oreki-san. You didn't notice how long you were staring until he looked at you.

You quickly look away, 'W-why was looking at him?!' You thought. 'I shouldn't be staring, it's rude. But.. he looks kinda cute. WAIT WHY DID I THINK THAT?!' You stopped fighting with your mind and started to write down your notes. You felt if you wrote down notes you wouldn't think about him.

~ hour skips ~

You walk to the club, on your way there you spot Oreki-san walking in front of you. A tint of pink spreads across your cheeks, 'He's right there! Why do I find him cute?' You thought. You walk a little slowly, you didn't want him to notice you were following him behind.

He walks in the club, right after that, Satoshi-san runs in afterwards. "Oreki! (y/n) was right behind ya man!" You hear him say as you walk in. You freeze, everyone looks at you, Chitanda runs up to you, "Wow (y/n)! You brought everything!" "Heh heh.. yeah.." You look at Oreki-san for a second, then walk towards the table. "What did I tell you about this?" Oreki-san says. You look up at him, "I'm only trying to help out with the club, Oreki-san." You mummble.

He shrugs it off, he didn't want to deal with this situation anyfurther. You look at the art supplies you brought, you take a blank piece of paper, grab a marker, then suddenly you feel warmish skin on your hand, it was Oreki's, he had placed his hand on yours, your face flushes.. "Don't, you'll waste energy." You look up.

You look down, then you take your hand away from him. "I like drawing. So if you don't mind, I'm going to draw." He looks away, and you think you see a tint of pink on his cheeks. You look down, realizing what you have said. You felt a little bad about it, but you continue. You draw the words 'Litature Club' in bold sqaured, shaped font. You then draw other little trinkets, such as history items, ect.

You glance up just a little, you noticed Oreki-san watching you, it made you feel nervous.. you stopped drawing. He looks down at his hands. "..I.. I didn't know you could draw so well." He mutters. Your eyes widen a little, you feel your face become hot. You look at his hands. 'I wouldn't mind it if he placed his hand on mine again..' You thought, 'It was nice..'

You finished the fliers, Chitanda was watching you at her side the whole time, "That looks so good (y/n)!" She excitedly says. "Hehe thank you!" You respond. "I'll go print them, and we all could go place them on the bullitan boards!" She hyperly says. "Alright!" You respond again. Oreki-san grumbles a little.

After she leaves, "This is why I didn't want to do this project.." He mutters. You look at him, 'Wow.. why didn't I see that coming..?' You thought. "You could stay here, I'll go with her." You mention to him. He looks at you slightly wide-eye. "Uhn.. th-thanks." He mummbles and looks away, blushing slightly. You smile, "No problem!" You cheerfully say.

As she comes back, she grabs your hand, "Come on guys! Lets go!" She drags you, before you were out the door, you wink at Oreki-san, hinting he could stay. Even though you kinda want him to go with you. After wandering around the school, you were all tired and done setting up the fliers. You guys head back to the club.

You spot Oreki-san sleeping, you turn to everyone, and place your finger across your lips, and silently shush them, and then pointed to the ground to notion them to stay. You walk over quietly towards Oreki-san, grab one of your hair bands, and put his hair up in a very short pony tail. Satoshi snickers, as does Ibara-chan. "I have a better idea." Satoshi whispers, he quietly walks over, grabs one of the markers, and draws eyes over his eyelids, and a french mustache above his top lip.

We all except Chitanda-chan snicker. You then take a marker, and draw a heart on his cheek, and blush lines. You put the marker down, and sit, as does the others. You stare at Oreki-san, sometimes you find yourself blushing. 'Maybe this was mean to do to him.' You thought. 'I just hope Satoshi doesn't tell him it was my idea..' You take a blank piece of left over paper, grab (y/f/c) marker, and start drawing him, chibi, sleeping.

He awakes, finds himself in front of all of you, he yawns, looks around, everyone starts laughing, even Chitanda-chan giggles a little. You try your best to hold in your laugh, and snicker. He looks at everyone, confused, he stands up, walks over to the the window, to see his reflection of the disturbing image he has on his face. (Hahahah I'm so mean!)

He looks at everyone irritantly, and glares. (I can't stop laughing!!) "What a great project!! Hahaha!" Satoshi jokes. Oreki glares at him. Oreki looks at you, notices you have one of the markers you used on him. 'Uh oh..' You thought. You hide the marker behind your back. Smiles nervously. "H-have a nice nap, Oreki-san?" You squeak.

He just leaves to go to the bathroom, you all laugh hard while he was gone.

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