The Date

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You were sitting in class, thinking about yesterday. You were so dazed you hadn't realized your friend was talking about how her weekend went.

You kept thinking about that kiss on the cheek Oreki-san had given you.

Recap. You and Oreki-san were standing in front of the arcade, you were dissapointed that they had already closed for today.

Oreki-san had given you copic markers, you were so happy, it jump started Oreki's heart he couldn't help but kiss your cheek.

You were too surprised to say anything on your way back home, you and him have said your goodbyes, you walked in your house then in your room.

You had placed everything down on your desk. You plopped on your bed, the thought of the kiss he had placed upon your cheek made you blush, you hid your face in your pillow.

Squealed in it, then let out a big breathe after taking the pillow off your face. You thought how tomorrow will be considering you didn't say or do anything after he had kissed you.

End of recap. You were looking in Oreki-sans way. Your cheeks couldn't help but form pink tints. You looked away quickly know Satoshi would say something to make you fluster even more.

Class ended and you headed to the club, you sat in your usual spot, across from Oreki-san. Chitanda sat next to your left, Ibara-san sat at your right, Satoshi of course sat next to Oreki-sans left.

You couldn't being yourself to look at Oreki-san. You were still shocked from yesterday. You decided you wanted to talk to Satoshi in private. You motioned your hand at Satoshi 'follow me'.

You and Satoshi walked out of the room, "What's up (y/n)?" Satoshi asked. You let out a sigh of despair. "Satoshi.. Oreki-san kissed my cheek yesterday." You say to him.

His eyes widen, "Whaa--?! Really?!" He yells, you bonk him on the head with your hand closed like a fist, "Shut your food hole." You say, glaring at him. He laughs a little, "Sorry heh. So why'd you bring me out here?" He asks.

You look at the door that was by your right that lead into the club room. "I feel awkward sitting in there.." You say, "Wait wait wait.." He interrupts. "What exactly happened yesterday? You didn't get mushi did you? You know you aren't supposed to do that without me there!" He jokes.

You glare at him, "I didn't do anything back to him.. I didn't even say anything to him.." You slightly face down at the last part you said.

He smirks, "Ohhh now I know why things are awkward! You're shocked right? From him giving you a smooch on the cheek!" He says as he's poking his cheek with his finger and his lips puckered out.

You frown.. "Yeeeees..! That's exactly it!" You then look at Satoshi, "Please help, has he said anything to you about it? What should I do!? I need help!" You had questions pouring out, Satoshi laughs a little. "Haha slow down! Well.. No he hasn't said anything about yesterday." Satoshi says.

He continues, "I think you should hang out again! Go on a daaaaate~ and wait for the right moment and kiss his cheek back!" Satoshi smiles gleamed of his plan.

You look down and think on this for a sec. "I don't know how to get a guy to go out on a date with me." You say. "I can help with that!" Satoshi says as he opens the club door and walks in, "Orekiiiiii!" Satoshi lingers his name.

Oreki looks up from reading a manga book. "Hm?" He mutters. "Come here." Satoshi says. Oreki sighs, gets up, walks towards the door. "Now what?" Oreki asks.

Satoshi grabs Oreki by the sleeve and pulls him out, then closes the door. Oreki kinda stunned looks at him confusingly.

"(y/n) wants to ask you something!" Satoshi grins. You glare at him, you didn't know he was going to do that. So now you're clamming up.

Oreki-san looks at you, "Hm?" He mummbles. You start getting nervous.. then an idea pops in your head! "D-do you wanna go to the arcade with me after club?" You ask. His cheeks form pink tints, looks away, then nods.

Your eyes widen, you smile, then look at Satoshi nodding at him as a thank you gesture, he smirks and nods back.

You all walk back in, and sit down. "What was that all about?" Ibara-san asks. "Hehehee!" Satoshi laughs with his hand over his mouth. Ibara looks at him confusingly. "What?! Why are you laughing like that?!" She asks.

He lifts his head up while smiling, "Wouldn't you like to know?" He says. She scoffs and just looks down.

Club was over, your heart was already racing at the fact you were about to go on a date with Oreki-san. You both walk out the school together. Little did you know Satoshi wasn't far behind.

You and Oreki-san headed to the arcade, you didn't mind having to wear the schools uniform for the date, you were just happy enough you were even going.

You bothe get to the entrance of the arcade, it was open still, 'Thank goodness.' You thought. You both walk in.

Satoshi sneaks inside after, hiding behind a machine. You spot the DDR game, you run up to it, "Can you dance?!" You ask Oreki-san, he shakes his head 'no'. "Aww.." You sadly sigh. He takes out a quarter and places it in the DDR coin slot.

You look at him, he gets on the pad of arrows. You were astonished, "You didn't ask if I wanted to play." He says. You blush slightly. The game starts, you search for the right dance song, and you click on 'Beethoven ddr remix' (I actually don't remember the title).

The song starts, such a catch-y tune, you were trying to sing along with it while following the arrow keys. You glance over at Oreki, who was just standing on one foot and just pressing on one arrow with his other foot.

You laugh and lose your concentration, and lose points, he looks over at you and grins a little, with pink tints on both of your cheeks.

Satoshi's laughing at you for losing your place in the dance game. The game was over.

You and Oreki played a couple of more games, then he finally gets exausted. You suggested to sit at the park for a bit. He grins, liking the idea. So you both head there.

Satoshi almost gets spotted by Oreki, until he scrambles to the other side of the arcade machine.

You and Oreki-san, sitting on the bench. He was exausted alright. Not much later his head was leaning against your shoulder. He was sleeping. Satoshi was hiding behind two bushes that were about 4 feet from you two.

Satoshi watches, making an eager expression, and clenching his fists. "Come on, make a move (y/n)." He whispers.

Your face was flushed red. You wanted to do something, but if you moved slightly he could wake!

You moved your free arm, placed your hand on his head, you petted his hair. You smiled a bit, you kissed the top of his head. As you did, he jolted awake, 'Crap! Not what I wanted!!' Your think loudly in your head.

He yawns, looks at you, "Sorry, was I sleeping on you?" He asks. You nod, blushing slightly. You couldn't look at him. You were too paranoid thinking what if he felt that kiss ontop of his head??

"Umm.. what woke you?" You ask, 'Wow that's stupid of me!' You thought. "I don't know." He says, looking forward, you let out a sigh.

Oreki suddenly has pink tints on his face, he looks over at you, "(y/n)." He says. "Yeah?" You say looking over at him. He leans close to you, you freeze, you now have a chance to kiss him.

You go for it, you lean towards him, your heart races, thumping hard against your shirt. You close your eyes when your lips are just inches away from his. You feel a soft touch to your lips.

You then feel arms wrap around you. You were kissing Oreki-san, his lips were soft, and moving a gentle motion with yours. You both pull away, blushing, you look at eachother, hearts racing.

You then hug him. "Does this mean, you like me?" You ask. He grins, "Yeah." He says quietly. You smile, hugging him tighter. He hugs you tightly as well.

You both walk home, you both hug one more time. You two smile and wave bye.

Satoshi is astonished, dumbstruck, "Wow, it worked, awesome!" He says quietly.

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