When he notices

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You were sitting at your desk in class talking to your friend, "So, how's that club of yours?" She asks, "It's pretty good! I made friends with the four students you told me about." You say.

"Wait.. you mean Chitanda, Ibara, Satoshi, and Oreki?" She asks.. "Yep!" You say, "Awesome! Does Satoshi pick on you?" She laughs, "Sometimes, but it's Oreki-san he picks on mostly." You say, blushing a little.

"Hmm, got a crush on anyone yet?" She asks. "WHA?! NO! I mean, kinda, uh.. I don't know!" You stammer. She giggles as you embarrass yourself. "Let me guess it's a boy from our class?" She smirks. You look up slightly pink across the cheeks.

"Tell meeeeeeee!!" She begs. She rests her cheeks on her hands, with her elboes on your desk. You sigh, blushing slightly. You look around the classroom, trying to ignore the subject 'I can't tell her that I find Oreki-san cute..' You thought.

Your eyes stumble upon Oreki-san, he's talking to Satoshi, you watch them for a little bit until you hear your friend, "Hellooooo? Anyone in there?" She waves her hand in your face. "H-huh?" You snap out of it, "You like one of the boys over there?" She gasps.

Her eyes widen, "Which one is it?! I gotta know!" She smiles at you, waiting for your response. You just look at her pitifully. You look down, pink tint still across your cheeks. "O-Oreki-san.." You quietly mummble, "Huh?" She asks.

You can't form the words, but you look at Oreki-sans direction, cheeks still pink, Satoshi looks your way, evily grins, whispers to Oreki-san, Oreki looks your way, your eyes widen, your face flushes, you turn your head quickly, but it was too late, he knew something.

Your friend notices, "Y-you like, Oreki?" You look up at her, face still flushed red. Her eyes grew wide once again. A smile grows across her face. "You do!" She cheerfully says. "I can tell him if you want!" She offers. You look down.

You didn't know whether or not you wanted her to. You decide no, shaking your head. She sighs. "Alright." Dissapointment in her voice. You wanted things to go at your own pace.

Class ends, you head to the club, as you walk in head down, you bump into someone. You look up, eyes grew wide, your cheeks flushed red. "O-Oreki-san! S-sorry! I didn-" "Do you know how much energy I wasted standing here waiting for you?!" He says, you flinch.

"I-I'm sorry." You look down, kinda upsettingly. He sighs, "Look, I-" he stops short. He blushes a slight pink tint across his cheeks, then he continues, "I know you.. like me." He turns away, blushing still. You look up at him, blushing along with.

"I.. didn't really want you to know." You say quietly. He looks at you, "I.. I'm gonna need more time.. to see if my feeling is mutual." He says. Your eyes widen, 'So there's time? I won't doubt, and won't hope that there will be a chance or not, but I'll wait.' You think to yourself.

"Please.. don't get your hopes up. My feelings towards someone I had, was doubted once. She never did like me, at least not that way. Just wait though, cause I might like you back." He says, blushing a little.

You smile slightly, "Alright, I can do that." You say calmy. He smiles a little, then everyone walks in, breaking the moment.

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