J-Hope: Concert

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I got to the venue in the VIP section. The concert was in Atlanta, and it was outdoors. I was excited that my favorite group in K-pop was playing in my hometown. I squeezed my best friends hand.

"I'm going to get some drinks and food." She said. I nodded.

"Be safe , Okay" I said I waved her away.

I was giddy with excitement. I knew I had to calm down, because I was fragile. If I got to excited I might faint. I had to beg and beg to my parents to let me go, finally they allowed me to.

I took deep breaths to calm myself. It worked for a few seconds, but then I realized how close I was to BTS, and I would be even closer when the concert started, and got excited all over again.

My friend came back.

"Drink!" She said, shoving a sugary drink in my face. I took a sip.

"Is it okay?" I asked. I didn't usually drink soda, I would get too hyper then crash quickly.

"Mmhmm, you're mom said it was alright, I also bought you water" She said.

"Thanks" I said smiling. We took selfies. The sun was beating down on us. I felt myself sweating already. I drank my water quickly. The concert started, and We started screaming, along with the other fans. The boys performed so well. I had made eye contact with Jungkook, he sang

"Yes I'm a bad boy so I like bad girl" while looking right at me, then he winked.

"Did you see that!" I shouted at my bestfriend.

"You and Kookie totally had a moment!" She yelled back, squeezing and going back to singing in Korean.

He laughed seeing my reaction. I smiled back. Then J-hope pushed him. Those boys were so playful. The concert continued and I felt myself feel a bit weak. I wanted to get my water but it had spilled. I stopped jumping around. I looked at Ashley she was enjoying herself. I didn't want to bother her. I was a bit woozy. I tried to steady myself but I couldn't.

The boys were singing now singing "Look here". At first I was dancing, but I couldn't anymore.

I looked at the stage, the lights were too bright.

My vision clouded and I was seeing double.

A man appeared with water, but my vision went black before I could accept it.

I opened my eyes and I was sitting in a closed off area with fans blowing in my direction and quiet woman was sitting next to me.

"Are you okay?" I heard an accented male voice ask. I looked up, it was J-hope.

"I am now" I said softly.

"I tried to give you water, but you um fell over"

"Oh. It happens, a lot. When I get too hot or excited, or hungry, or thirsty, I faint" I explained. He nodded.

"Oh! Here" He said handing me a bottle of water. It was half empty.

"It was mine, but you need it more" He said carefully, not used to speaking in English.

"Thank you" I said. I felt myself getting excited again. My head spun and my head dropped, when I blacked out for a second.

"Are you okay?" he asked alarmed.

"Wait here!" he said. He rushed away, then came back with a wet towel, he placed it on my head.

"Don't move" he told me. I looked at him. He looked back, he was so beautiful up close. I couldn't believe that Jung Hoseok was caring for me.

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