(TRIGGER WARNING)Jungkook Imagine: The Boy who saved me

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I sat on the floor, drinking from the vodka bottle I stole from my dad's liquor cabinet. I took a long drink, hissing when the alcohol burned my throat. I wiped whatever hadn't made it into my mouth. I chuckled darkly. The burn was the only thing I had felt other than numbness I had felt the past 2 months. I stopped caring. I was worthless, nothing. I kicked the wall. I laughed as pain shot through my foot. I drank some more. I was an idiot. A mistake. I didn't need to be here. I walked around aimlessly. I didn't want to drink anymore, so I threw the glass bottle watchin it shatter. Some shards cut my face. I picked up a bigger piece and held it tightly. It cut me.I watched my crimson blood flow, a smile gracing my face.

I held the glass as I walked not having a place to go.

My life was shit. My dad abused me, and hated me. I had no mother, she died while she gave birth to me. My dad hated me ever since, I killed her. I also cause my dad's problems. I use his money and he has to care for me, but I killed the love of his life. The kids at school hated me. They called me an emo freak, and other hurtful things. I wasn't smart or anything and I didn't try, so the teachers hated me. Strangers would glare at me, like my presence was disturbing them.

I sat on a park bench. I removed my jacket and the chilly Autumn air hit me. I shivered but I didn't care. I started slicing my arms open. It stung, but I kept going it, wanting to see more red, more open skin. I liked the sting. I stopped and watched. I clenched my teeth not wanting to cry out. Tears streamed down my face. Maybe I would bleed to death. I wasn't happy being alive and no one wanted me here.

I gave a crooked smile.

"Oh My God!" A voice shouted.

I looked at the person. It was a boy. I chuckled.

"Are you okay?" He asked running to me.

"No, you obviously aren't," He mumbled to himself.

"Who did  this to you? I'm calling an ambulance" He said

He spoke frantically into his voice. His words sounded like gibberish, that's how fast he was speaking.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my arm. Then he look my jacket and did the same thing, applying pressure.

I hissed.

"Stop it" I grumbled.

"You'll die"

"let me die!" I snarled.


"Leave" I said darkly.

"I won't"

"Don't try to save me, I'm not worth it"

He didn't reply. He kept the pressure on my arms. The Ambulance came and they took me away, he got in too. Not leaving my side.

I was bombarded with questioned as I was quickly bandaged. I closed my eyes, not wanting to answer. At the hospital they drugged me and stitched me up. I yelled at everyone.

I went to sleep my voice hoarse from yelling.

I woke up the next morning seeing the boy again.

"Idiot" I mumbled

He stirred.

"You're awake"

"No shit , Sherlock" I said.

"The doctors..they said you did it to yourself why? I didn't want to believe them, but I heard you yelling. You didn't stop yelling.."

"Are you always this nosey?"

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