Yoongi : call me oppa

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I had this idea a while ago and I tried to type it on mobile like months ago,but It didn't save and I was angry, so I forgot about it/ It's pretty short and fluffy, and idk how I feel about this

I giggled as I watched the TV with Taehyung. He laughed as well.

Yoongi walked in and I sat up straight and fixed my hair. I had the biggest crush on the older male. Sadly, I feel like he hated me.

"Annyeong" I said brightly.

He mumbled a greeting, not even looking in my direction. I sighed.

"Do want to some ice cream?" Taehyung asked.

I gasped, my mood instantly lifted.

"Of course!" I shouted.

"Okay get you shoes on, we can go to that Ice Cream parlor" He said, getting as excited as me.

I ran to the front to get my shoes.

"Tae Oppa, can Jimin Oppa and Kookie come too?" I asked.

"Sure!" He agreed.

"Uh, Yoongi-ssi, would you like to join us for ice cream?" I asked softly. I was praying that he would say yes, and also mentally patting myself on the back for not stuttering.

"Okay" He said reluctantly.

I had to control myself. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were playing around with me,and Yoongi was in the back, suppressing a grin. He really loved his dongsaengs. He just pretended to be annoyed by them. We ordered our ice cream and sat in a booth.

After eating really amazing ice cream we went to the park,and The boys, minus Yoongi decided to take my hat and trow it around. I was shorter than all of them and no matter how high I jumped, I couldn't reach. I was getting frustrated and tears were filling my eyes. I cried very easily. I was a crybaby, but I dont f*cking care.

"Hajima!" Yoongi began scolding them. He handed the hat to me.

"Don't cry, you look ugly when do" He said stiffly. I sniffed and took the hat. We went home.

I watched more anime with Taehyung and Jin. I noticed Yoongi was around again, looking for a snack. I slipped away and tried to get a glass, but I was too short. Another person got it for me.

"You're welcome" Yoongi said.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Yoongi-ssi, do you hate me? Because You're very cold to me and I don't know what I did wrong?" I blurted out.

"No, I don't hate you." He answered, "But there is one thing you do, that hurts my feelings a bit"

"What is it?" I panicked.

"You don't call me oppa" He stated simply. My jaw dropped.

"I just- I thought that would be weird, we aren't very close, and I thought you hated me" I rambled.

He kissed my cheek suddenly and I stopped talking.

"You're very cute" he said, smirking at me.


He raised an eyebrow.

"Th-Thank you Oppa" I stuttered out.

"Much better"

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