Chapter 17

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Nori had a black eye.

"Where'd you get that?" His older brother inquired as they ate around a large campfire with the rest of the Company and a few witches.

"Ahh... Someone hit me."

"Who? One of the boys?"

"Um... Not exactly..."

Fili, who overheard, suppressed a laugh. "One of the /girls/? That one you went after?"

Nori cleared his throat. "Well, in my defence, I didn't see it coming at all, and- oh, shut /up/, Fili!"

The younger dwarf had burst out laughing, and only stopped when his uncle threatened to send him off to bed without supper like a child.

Zephira came out just before dark, walking almost normally, only the slightest sign of a limp.

"How is it?" Thorin asked her as she sat down beside him.

"It's been better."

"Well, it /did/ break..."

"Mm," She sat on the ground with her head looking down at the ground.

Thorin coughed. "So... I have yet to meet Lucretia."

Zephira's head snapped up. "I should hope that you never will."

Thorin looked surprised. "Why not? I thought that I would, seeing as she's your, ah, Mother Mäläi, and I'm the leader of this Company."

She made a strangled noise of protest. "I really wouldn't advice-"

"I want to meet her." He said sternly. "It's my decision, is it not?" He gave her a steely look.

And it was then that Zephira saw the King that he could be, in the way he talked and looked. The way he commanded.

She took a deep breath in, and out. "Then you will meet her."


She went back to looking down.

"Zephira? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Yes, I suppose."

"You 'suppose'... That means no."

She looked up at him. "Why do you care?"

"Because... Because I do, alright? Leave it at that."


Thorin looks frustrated. "Why are you so... So..."

"So /what/, Thorin?"

"So /unhappy/ all the time?"

Her eyes flashed. "Wouldn't you be? If you were like me? Not able to control powers that can kill people if you aren't careful enough? Lost everyone, not trusting anyone?"

"You trust me, do you not?" He asked softly.

Her expression didn't change. "I don't know."


"I said, I don't k-"

"How can you /not know/?"

"I just..." She looked troubled.

"You just /what/?"

"I just can't /tell/ anymore! Alright? I just... Can't think straight." She seemed to deflate.

"When did this all start?"

"When we got here. I just feel... Exhausted." She let out a huge breath, and Thorin noticed how sad her face seemed.

"Well... Maybe you just need some sleep, that should help-"

"No! Um, no, it won't help."

"... Okay... Then, eat some more?"

"No thanks."

"You haven't been eating much." He said, sliding closer to her. "I've noticed." Concern was obvious on his face.



She made a face. "I... I shouldn't be eating your food."


"Your- your rations. They're yours, I shouldn't be eating them, I don't want you to run out because of me, and I-"

"What?! That's why?"


"Where did you get that idea?"

Her eyes flickered across the fire. "I-I don't know."

"Well, it's stupid."

Zephira looked back up at him. "What?"

"I said, it's stupid. We aren't going to run out because of one person. Well, maybe Bombur, but that's not the point."

She smiled a bit.

"There you go, there's that pretty little smile." He teased and pinched her cheek.

She snorted and batted his hand away. "Haha, tease the witch. Very funny, Thorin."

"I... Wasn't teasing, really. You- your smile is very pretty."

Zephira's face turned bright red. "I-I-I... Uh, thank you?"

Thorin cleared his throat. "Anytime,"

Zephira looked away again, and sighed deeply, laying back so she was flat on the ground. She sighed again, and closed her eyes.

"You really are exhausted." Thorin said.

"I told you."

"Why? What happened to make you so tired?"

"Erm, well, uh, remember when I sort of, ahem, /knocked you out/?"

"Can't seem to forget it."

"Well, that was very difficult for me. I used to be able to do it without breaking a sweat, and now..." She shook her head. "It's too hard. It's just... Too hard."

"Huh," Was all Thorin had to say. Then, after a while, "Why /did/ you do that?"

Zephira looked up at him. "No one can know where we live. No one. We had to, because now you don't know where you are. We're safe."


"Mm. You thought I had betrayed you? I set you up?"

"More or less."

"Well, I haven't." She sighed again. "Not yet, at least."



"You just said. 'Not yet.'"

"Did I?" She murmured sleepily. She moved herself over so her head was resting on Thorins lap. "Sorry, not making much sense right now. I'm a bit-" She yawned. "-Tired."





Been doing a lot of explains chapters recently, sorry for that :/

I also apologize for the length, it's kind of pathetic.

Still, vote and comment please :)

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