Chapter 26

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Bilbo peeked above the rocks and scanned the landscape before him.

He squeaked in fear when he saw Azog and his orcs and wargs go riding by.

He squeaked again when he felt someone grab his arm and pull him down, pressing their hand against his mouth and pinning him between them and the rocks.

"Stop squeaking!" Someone hissed in his ear. "Are you a mouse or a hobbit?"

He pulled away with a sigh. "/Zephira/-"

"Shh!" She hissed again, urgency in her voice. She licked her lips nervously, then mouthed, "There's something over there." And jerked her head to her left.

Bilbo swallowed and glanced over.

He almost squeaked again, but Zephrira slapped her hand over his mouth.

/Don't. Make. A. Sound./

He heard her voice, but her lips didn't move.

Ah, Bilbo thought, this is the mind-speak Thorin spoke of.

Zephira removed her hand slowly, turned, and motioned for him to follow.

They crept away from the rocks and leapt down to the Company below.

"Well?" Thorin asked. "Are they still following us?"

"They're closer than they were yesterday, only a few leagues away." Zephira said, looking slightly nervous.

"That's not the half-" Bilbo started, but was cut off by Thorin.

"We should keep moving then."

"Wait, there was something else up there!" Bilbo pestered, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"What was it?"

"It- it looked like-"

"Was it in the shape of a bear?" Gandalf asked.

"No, it /was/ a bloody bear!" Zephira hissed, throwing her arms up. "There is a /huge/ bear up there! I've never seen one that big!"

Gandalf started to reply, but she cut him off.

"And I've /no/ idea what type of bear it was, it doesn't look like any I've seen before!"


"What?" She cried, turning to face Gandalf.

"If you're done shouting now, I think we'd best be going before something else comes and finds us."

Her eyes widened. "Was I really shouting?"

A wargs howl was her answer.

"I know of a place we can stay. But... We must go quickly, and be sure not to anger the host."

"What is this place?" Thorin asked.

"Shelter, for now. Come along, quickly now!" And the wizard started running off.

"Why can't we anger him?" Zephira called after him. "Gandalf!" She stomped her foot.

"Oh, come on." Thorin pulled her along as they started running after the wizard.

They ran through darkness and trees, trying to stay ahead of the enemy they couldn't see, but sure as hell could hear.

They came to a clearing after the forest, and Gandalf pointed to a shack of a house. "There!"

"Gandalf-" Zephira started.

A growl came from behind them.

She turned, expecting to see wargs, but she saw the bear.

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