Chapter 2: First Day

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'Ruff! Ruff! Woof! Ruaff!'

"Okay, okay I'm up," Kiba groaned. He turned around and the first thing that greeted him was Akamaru. The white dog, in his smaller form, jumped onto his chest and started to lick his face, tail wagging ecstatically. Kiba started to laugh, his hand coming up to scratch Akamaru behind the ear. "Good morning Akamaru," Kiba said sitting up.

'Ruff!' The dog jumped down and rushed to Kiba's wardrobe. 'Ruff! Woof!'

"Can't you give me a chance to wake up?" Kiba asked as his fuzzy familiar jumped up and down pawing at the drawers. Akamaru started to growl. "Okay, okay I get it." Kiba stood up and quickly shed his PJ's. He placed them on the bed and walked over to the wardrobe. Opening them up, he pulled out a pair of dark grey track pants, a black tank top, and a matching dark grey hoodie. After dressing he put on a pair of sneakers, grabbed his IPod, and the last thing he snatched was his room key. "Alright let's go," Kiba said opening the door.

'Ruaff!' Akamaru rushed out of the room, shifting as he did so.

As the door clicked closed, automatically locking as it do so, Shino rolled over and peered at Kiba's now empty bed. Sitting up in bed he looked at Matsui, the large beetle fluttered it wings and flew over to land on Shino's shoulder. "Wonder where he is off to so early?" Shino said looking at the clock on his desk. The time read 5:00 AM in bright red. Matsui's wings fluttered and Shino smirked. "Sounds good," Shino said standing up.

Two minutes later Shino was dressed and walking out of the dormitory. He walked at a controlled pace following the direction of the crickets as he passed by. After another fifteen minutes of walking he came to the sand pit training ground at the back of the school. The stoic teen smirked as he saw his new roommate and his canine familiar running laps and jumping obstacles. "Does he do this every morning?" Shino asked silently. Matsui's antenna wiggled in small circles. "Sorry, it was a rhetorical question," Shino said.

Shino walked to a small grouping of bleachers and sat down watching the energetic brunet as he ran, jumped, leapt, slid, and rolled through obstacle after obstacle. As Shino watched he realized Kiba had amazing control over his body and reflexes. His timing with his familiar was also exceptional. Half an hour in and Shino watched as Kiba peeled off his hoodie giving Shino an amazing view of tan muscular arms glistening in the morning rays. Shino could clearly make out the contours of Kiba's chest and abdomen through the drenched material of the black top, which was clinging to the smaller male like a second skin. Shino felt his mouth run dry as he watched droplets of sweat travel down Kiba's neck and disappear in his tank top.

"You're drooling." Shino snapped around to see Naruto standing behind him. "Don't blame you though, that is quite the sight."

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Sasuke a frown on his face.

"I didn't mean it like that, okay maybe I did," Naruto tried to explain, "Come on Sasuke you have to admit he's fine!" Sasuke continued to frown. Naruto sighed and wrapped his arms around the raven teen. "Come on Sasuke, you know I only want you."

Sasuke smirked, "True."

"Frankly I don't think anyone could handle him," said Manda with a bored drawl. Naruto and Sasuke's faces turned a bright red.

Before either could respond a bark rang out and they turned to see Kiba walking up to them. "Hey guys!" he called. "What are you all doing here?"

"Well you asked last night where you could do morning practice so I thought I'd come see what you meant by that," said Naruto.

"Cool, you could have joined in," said Kiba wiping at his face with his discarded hoodie. "Normally I do this with Mom and Kuromaru, or another member of the clan, so I wouldn't mind at all to have some company."

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