Chapter 4: Partnerships

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Kiba remained flat on his back blinking up at his older sister. The woman was grinning down at him while shaking her head. Now that she had said something he remembered why the name Suna Academy sounded familiar, it was her work place. Kiba felt like an idiot for forgetting that small, but important, piece of information regarding his sister. Kiba went to sit up and he realized she was still sitting on top of him. "Um, Hana, can you please get off?" Kiba asked.

"Hmm, and why should I do that?" Hana asked with a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. She looked to her right and saw the group of boys gawking at them; their looks of utter bafflement and horror were amusing. She discreetly turned her sharp gaze to the lone boy on her left and took in why the others were scared. The Aburame looked livid to say the least. Hana was instantly proud of her brother for gaining the attention of such a catch. Albeit secretly proud, it wouldn't do to get Kiba's head to big.

Shino was filling with every negative emotion known to him the longer the woman sat on top of what he now officially considered his. He didn't care if he hadn't told Kiba his feelings or hadn't asked him to be his. Kiba was his and that was all there was to it. His possessive Magi blood was screaming in his veins to tear the woman off of Kiba. All he could register was my Kiba, my partner, MINE! Matsui was buzzing around him in irritation unable to act on his master's wrath. He just wasn't the right type of familiar to act directly.

The others were staring silently, praying Shino didn't do something rash. It was obvious Kiba knew the woman, and if they weren't so scared about their friend possibly killing her they would have noticed the similarity between the two. As it was they were all very worried so no one was paying attention to that. Until they heard Kiba yell, "Will you get the FUCK off of me ane*!"

Hana's eyes narrowed, "Watch your language pup." Everyone else visibly relaxed as the relationship between the two brunets sunk in. Even Shino's murderous wrath died down, though he was still twitching with the urge to remove her from straddling Kiba. Shino realized his sunglasses were still off and he quickly slipped them back into place. Hana caught the shift in the atmosphere and wanted to pout. There went her plan to see if the Aburame was serious about her otouto. "Get up, we need to talk," Hana instructed climbing off of Kiba.

"Now?" Kiba asked glancing over to Shino. He had noticed the deadly aura that had been swirling around the other Magi, but now he seemed to have calmed down. Kiba silently wondered what it was that had caused the shift.

"Yes now," Hana said walking away from the dormitory hall. She glanced back to see if he was following her and she noted he was looking anxiously at the Aburame boy. "Don't worry no Chasers will get you," Hana soothed. Kiba's head whipped around. His cheeks were flushed but he just nodded and stood up. Quickly he followed after his sister, Akamaru and the Haimaru brothers following closely behind.

The others watched as the Inuzuka siblings walked away. Noting for the first time that Kiba's older sister was wearing dark wash straight legged jeans, a cream colored button up blouse, and an armband signifying her as an instructor at Suna. Sasuke and Neji quickly went over to Shino to make sure he was okay. He had managed to fully calm down, though he was still following Kiba with his eyes.

"You okay?" Neji asked a little concerned. He recognized the possessive aura that had been surrounding Shino and it was never a good sign unless it was returned. He clearly remembered the first time his Magi instincts kicked in over Gaara, half the gym was blown up. Then there was the time Gaara's had activated, that little incident would haunt the receiver of Gaara's wrath for life! Naruto's first blow up regarding Sasuke had been on equal footing to Gaara's, just with more surrounding destruction. Sasuke's, Neji shuddered not even wanting to remember the time someone had tried asking Naruto out on a date. No having your Magi instincts awakened was never a good thing, especially if those feelings weren't returned by the one who caused them.

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