Chapter 7: Consummation

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Kiba's eyes widened as he saw Shino grab Suigetsu off of the ground and drag him back up. He saw Shino's fist pull back, then he reacted. Kiba jumped up, wrapped his arms around Shino's waist and pulled him away from Suigetsu. "Shino calm down!" Kiba ordered. He gripped Shino's shoulders, spun him around, and kissed him. He couldn't think of anything else to do at that moment. Kiba's spur of the moment plan worked. Shino's arms soon found their way around Kiba pulling him closer.

Shino's tongue snuck out, licking along Kiba's bottom lip demanding to be let in. Kiba happily allowed him in. Kiba's hands went from gripping Shino's shoulders to his hair were they tangle and pulled him down to deepen the lip lock as their tongues battled. One of Shino's hands moved up to grip the back of Kiba's neck holding him in place; his other hand went down to Kiba's ass. Kiba let out a low moan as he felt Shino's large hand massage his backside.

"Care to come up for air?" asked Shukaku. There were some shushing sounds in response to the red raccoon's question. "I don't want to watch them have sex!" Shukaku yelled.

That got Kiba and Shino to break apart. Kiba rested his head on Shino's chest, nuzzling closer to him. "I'm yours Shino, so don't kill him," Kiba whispered looking back up to his partner.

Shino closed his eyes behind his glasses, took a deep soothing breath, and smiled down at the stunning brunet in his arms. "Okay," Shino said. Kiba grinned, his sharp canines showing a little. Shino leaned down and brushed their noses together. Kiba leaned up and returned the gesture.

"What is going on?" demanded Suigetsu who had been able to pick himself up and was now irritated to see Kiba being held by someone else. Sure they broke up, but that was only because Kiba was moving not because they didn't care for each other. "Kiba who is this guy? Why in the name of the Powers did he attack me?"

Kiba sighed, still in Shino's arms he turned around to look at Suigetsu. "Shino's my partner," Kiba explained. Suigetsu's purple eyes went wide with disbelief. It would have been comical how wide his eyes got but considering Shino was still fuming mad Kiba didn't think laughing was a smart idea. "Sorry Suigetsu, but we can't go back to be how we were." Kiba wasn't sorry at all actually. Yes he cared for his ex-boyfriend and close friend, but he loved Shino. There was just no contest between the two.

"Have you consummated the partnership yet?" Suigetsu asked.

"Wha?" Kiba's face went as red as the tattoos on his cheeks.

Shino let out a low growl, "That isn't any of your damn business."

Suigetsu glared at the tall Magi. "Actually it is. As long as you two have done it yet then Kiba is fair game," Suigetsu stated. Fire leapt up and surrounded the white haired Magi. "Child's play," he sneered. Water engulfed the flames drowning them.

"That's enough!" Everyone turned to see a man with long white hair walking toward them. He was wearing black slacks and a dark green button up shirt. On his face were two red paths leading down from his eyes like tear paths. On the man's shoulder was a red toad, with a pipe in his mouth and wearing a blue jacket.

"Ero-sennin," Naruto said going over to his master and taking his place by his side.

Jiraiya looked down at his pupil with a fond expression before turning his gaze back to Shino, Kiba, and Suigetsu. His eyes hardened and his voice filled with warning as he spoke, "What is the meaning of this? Why are two of my school's students fighting with a visitor? Especially considering when rules specifically state that there are to be no unauthorized duals."

"Jiraiya-sama," Shino said with a polite tone. "It's complicated."

"Un-complicate it," the toad sage demanded folding his arms across his chest. "What is going on?"

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