Chapter 6: The Talks!

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Early in human history there were individuals who could manipulate the natural forces of the world. These people went by many different names: witchdoctor, witch, sorcerer, magician, medicine man, prophet. To the Magi these humans were called warlocks. These people had small amounts of control over the Powers that rule the Earth's natural forces. Wanting to strengthen their control over the forces they tried to gain power over, the warlocks called forth spirits, entities that existed on a separate plain. When the being came into our world the warlocks forced it to take a mortal form.

This unexpectedly caused the spirits' souls to split. Half of the soul manifested as a human being with immense control over specific natural properties, while the other half took the form of an animal that supported its human half. This splitting of spirits was the dawn of the Magi and familiars that now exist alongside humans. As warlocks continued to bring more spirits into the world and force them into mortal form more Magi were created.

The warlocks grew greedy and bred the Magi within their own ranks, creating stronger magical bloodlines within the human race. Soon the warlocks and other humans who could once manipulate the natural forces of the world disappeared from history replaced by the very beings they created. Magi became the sole Power wielding race.

Unfortunately for the Magi race many things remained with them from their spiritual ancestors. One of those things was what came to be called the Magi instincts. A possessive and violent instinct that reacts when the inner spirit inside the human Magi believes it has found a mate. To calm the instincts the two Magi must engage in intercourse. This act leads to another consequence of their ancestry. Once a Magi has consummated a partnership, as the mating bond has become known, they will no longer desire anyone else physically.

Kiba frowned as he read through the article Sasuke gave him and instructed him to read. He already knew most of it. Specifically the part of how the Magi came about, but what did the last part mean? What did "no longer desire anyone else physically" actually mean? Kiba read through the article again looking for some form of hint as he walked with Sasuke, Gaara, and Sai to Iruka's class. He was skipping morning practice to have this "uke talk" Sasuke mentioned. He said it would answer his questions.

Kiba sighed, the article was just starting to confuse him further. It didn't explain even a small amount as to why he would want to submit to Shino. Unless his want to submit had something to do with the Magi instincts, but how would that work? Does that mean he was a naturally submissive person? Kiba instantly banished the ridiculous notion. After all the only reason he hadn't gone all the way with his last boyfriend was because neither was willing to submit to the other. No, Inuzuka Kiba was not a submissive person, under any circumstance! 'So why do I want to submit to Shino?' Kiba couldn't help the thought. It was there in the forefront of his mind at all times lately.

"Hey Kiba you alive in there," asked Gaara waving his hand in front of Kiba's face.

Snapping out of his thoughts Kiba rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about some things," Kiba admitted.

"What sort of things?" asked Sai.

Kiba looked at the pale raven haired male and shrugged. "Mainly what this article has to do with this talk that you guys are taking me to," Kiba said.

Sasuke sighed. "Well I guess that's to be expected. I really didn't get it at first either." Sasuke placed his hand on Kiba's shoulder, "Don't worry about it though, Iruka-sensei will explain everything clearly. And trust me when I say clearly"

Sai and Gaara nodded their heads. The group continued to walk through the halls until they reached the history classroom. Sai opened the door and Kiba was shocked to see the number of people sitting in the classroom. There were several people from Rasengan Hall as well as a couple of teachers standing beside Iruka-sense.

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