new friends and first fight

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(a/n I don't know what I have to write for the school day so I'm just gonna skip that and I'm gonna start were the episode starts)

Allison and I were getting gas for her car was suddenly there was a black sac put over both our heads, when they took the sacs of our head we were in a burned house I tried to make but my hands and feet were tied together and there was something in my mouth then I saw dad and Allison sitting next to me then out of nowhere we heard Derek's voice saying "ever wonder what happens if  hunter gets bitten, Allison? Katherine? Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten? What do you think your father would do? What do you think he's have to do?" after that I felt a lump in my throat then the voice started again "when all it would take to change everything is - one bite. One bite -" "Everything changes" dad finished for the voice then he walked over to us and took the fabric out of our moth after that Allison got mad and said "is this how we're gonna do father/daughter talks from now on?" ""no this is how we're gonna train you two. Do you know why we use arrows?" "Because they can't heal until you take it out" I answered "look familiar?" dad asked "you were going to kill him" Allison said "that's right. And if we find Isaac on another full moon, we will kill him. That's the hard choice we make. But it wasn't my choice." "Gerard?"  "No. See, our family has a surprisingly progressive tradition. Knowing wars and violence are typically started by men, we place the final decision, the hard ones - With the woman. Our sons are trained to be soldiers. Our daughters, to be leaders. Training starts now. Time them" then dad walked out. So now Allison and I had to free our self she took a knife and I took my wolfs nails to free myself.

*one hour and a half later*

I cut one more time and I was free so I stood up and asked Allison "do you need help" she shook her head no, so I walked out. When I was outside Bennet said "one hour and a half that's a new record" I just nodded an then I stood next to him and waited for Allison. An hour later Allison walked out, we wet to our car and rode home when we got home Allison started screaming at dad I just turned to mom, dad and grandpa and said "goodnight" they nodded so I went upstairs took a shower changed in to this () and went to sleep.

* the next day*

I woke up at 6 am and put on this outfit () when I got downstairs I saw mom making breakfast, so I walked over to her kissed her cheek took my plate and started eating. When I was done eating I put my plate in the dishwasher after that I walked to my car and went to school.

*skip car ride*

I was walking walking down the hallway when someone came up to me and said "you're Katherine right? I'm Danny" "Hy nice to meet you Danny and yes I'm Katherine but please call me Kath" he nodded and asked "do you have gym right now"? I nodded yes so he asked "we're gonna rock climb in gym and I was wondering if you wanted to go against me?" "yes, I'd love to. Now we better go or we will be late" he nodded and together we walked to the gym

*gym class*

I was wearing this ()
At the moment Jackson and Lydia were climbing on the wall after a few minutes they both came down at the same time then out of nowhere the coach said "Argent" Allison and I looked at each other before saying "which Argent?" at the same time that made the whole class look at us and the coach said "that one" while pointing at me "so now we have Argent and Mãhealani go" we walked towards the wall and when we were strapped in we looked at each other and I said "game on" then the coach blew his whistle, we started at the same speed after a few moments we were almost at the top, but then out of nowhere Danny slipped and fell down so I saw the one that one. After Danny and I Scott and Allison started climbing while they were climbing Scott was staring at my sisters ass so I said "Hey, Scott, eyes of my sister and on the wall" that made Scott turn red and climb further but also slipped so Allison won, then it was Stiles and Erica's turn, Erica was halfway Stiles was already done she started to panic, so we all started helping her when she got down she just walked away but I followed her. After following her for 10 minutes I founded her crying in the bathroom so I walked to her and said "hey, Erica having panic attacks isn't something you should be ache-mad of, I also have them sometimes" she just nodded so I gave her a hug first she was surprised but then she hugged me back.


I was sitting with Scott at lunch when Stiles came running to us and started talking about weird stuff so I stood up and started walking out when I heard "Kath" so I turned around and saw Danny look at an empty chair next to him so I walked over there and sat next to him we were getting to know each other, when out of no were Erica walked in wearing leather clothes Danny and I looked at each other before shrugging and talking again.

* later that day*

I was laying in my bed when I heard mom say "Kath I'm going to the hospital I cut myself while cooking" I just answered with "okay" then I heard a car ride away I just fell  asleep ride after wearing this ()

*next day*

Mom wouldn't let me go to school because I had a cough so I was laying on my bed wearing this () and watching tv, after watching tv for 5 hours I got sleepy so I fell asleep. 4 hours later I was woken up with Allison knocking on my door saying "Kath your phone's ringing for the last 10 minutes" I groaned and turned to my phone to see that Scott called me again so this time I took up:
Scott (S) Katherine (K)

S: finally you picked up your phone
K: sorry I fell asleep
S: that doesn't matter I want you to come to the ice ring and bring a weapon or weapons
K: okay let me change and I'll be there

Then he just hung up so I quickly changed into this () and got in my car.

*skip car ride*

When I got there I got out of my car I took my bow and arrows and also my knives with me. When I got inside I heard the voices of: Scott, Isaac, Derek and Erica, I stopped on the ice rink and stalked my way over to the group I took by bow and hit Isaac in the back what make him turn to me and looked at my before tilling up his hand and put his hand on my neck that was the reason my bow fell, so I took a knife and stabbed him in the arm then he let me go and I shot an arrow at Erica who was strangling Scott when I let the arrow go it hit her in the arms so Scott was free and hit her head against the machine behind him so she fell unconscious, after that he turned to Isaac and gave him a hit against the head so he also fell unconscious. I walked over to Scott who looked proud at me before saying to Isaac and Erica "Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" after he was done saying that both Scott and I shoved Isaac and Erica "It's true. It is all about power." Derek said I didn't like him so I took my bow and arrow and pointed it at him while he stepped closer to Scott when he was to close for my thought I let go of my bow and hit him in the shoulder, he took put the arrow before he and Scott started fighting at the end Derek had his foot on Scott's throat and started waking away then Boyd stepped of the machine and started walking toward Derek but stopped when Scott said "Don't. You don't want to be like them" "You're right. I want to be like you " Boyd said before showing his bite mark and  walking away, I helped Scott up and walked out with him and saw Stiles's car parked so I walked him over there before walking towards my car and going home.

*skip car ride*

When I got home I saw that mom still wasn't home from the hospital so I walked upstairs to see Allison asleep on her bed so I walked to my room got in my pj's () and went to sleep.

Teen Wolf: Allison's sister [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now