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All Rights Reserved
© Devina P. Singh 2015
The Werewolf Queen

This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to entities living, dead, fictional, nonfictional or otherwise is purely coincidental. This book may not be reproduced by any means.

I do not own any of the pictures/music that are posted and any outsourced text material shall be referenced to its writer.

Cover: Deviant Art- Andreea Cemestean
Edited by Devina P. Singh

"Clifford?" I yelled, finding myself alone and afraid.

No response.

"Clifford?" I tried again, louder this time, yet still, no response. By now my heart had started thumping so loudly, I heard it over the menacing howling of wild animals. I spun around, desperately searching for any source of brightness in these dark woods.

I found a dim light glittering far away. I ran, ran towards it for dear life, getting startled even by the sound of twigs and dry leaves cracking under my own feet.

As I got closer to the light, it grew but not as significantly as I'd wanted it to. I slowed my pace and came to a dead halt when I realised what I'd been running towards.

The light was emanating from the yellow glowing eyes of a wolf staring right at me. Its sharp pallid teeth revealed itself as it scowled at me. Its rich dark brown fur coat would've been quite alluring had it been on a less ferocious beast.

The monster stood at almost the same height as me. It gazed up at the moon and howled in a way that made my stomach turn. The sound seemed filled with pain and anguish.

I took this opportunity to back away. Slowly and cautiously I made a few steps back, eyes still on the wolf. The beast's own cry ended but several other howls, just as anguished, replaced it in the forest air.

Suddenly I became very aware of the sounds around me. I felt like at least a dozen other glowing eyes were upon me.

I would've laughed, had I not been scared to death, at how quickly a beacon of safety had become a source of dread.


That sounded like Clifford's voice. But where was he? I strained my eyes in search for him. He had to be in close range if I'd heard his hushed voice so clearl- Run!

I heard his voice again. I wanted to yell out for him but the beast that stood in front of me made me seal my lips tight. Though for some reason, the wolf's demeanour seemed to have softened.

Go! Now!

What the heck? The wolf. It was growling. Was it..was it talking to me? Was I somehow understanding it? In a quick motion it took a step towards me, growling in an even deeper tone, though it too seemed to have a confused look adorning its face. Was I going crazy?

That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I mustered up the courage to take a few tiny steps back but my eyelids began to drop from fear and exhaustion. I felt myself sway back; the last thing I remember before it all went black was the dampness of the forest floor.

The Werewolf QueenWhere stories live. Discover now