Chapter Four

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I stared down at the pristine ring on my finger. It was a shiny silver ring with a large square blackish red gemstone in the middle, framed with small white diamonds that continued to cover the rest of the ring.

That was the engagement ring that Clifford had proposed with at our four month anniversary. As soon as he had mentioned celebrating the occasion, I grew a bit skeptical. Since when did guys keep track of that stuff? Heck, even I didn't think of it!

He'd arranged for a small get-together at his place with our siblings and their better halves joining us. From the moment I stepped into the luxurious apartment, I'd noticed Jenn's odder than usual behaviour and known something was up.

"Jennessa, stop acting weird. You're making it obvious.." I'd heard John scold Jenn in a whisper.

Well in her defense, he and Giselle weren't so good at keeping up an act either. They'd kept giggling every time Clifford and I talked during dinner, only to be met with a stern look from Clifford.

The only who'd actually behaved normally was Claude. Actually, he'd seemed a bit tense at the time. He hadn't spoken much and seemed to have something on his mind.

After everyone had finished eating, Giselle had made a suggestion, "Hey Clifford, why don't you and Sky go up to the top floor and we'll clean up in here then come join you."

"Yeah, go get some alone time you two," John had encouraged.

Clifford and I made our way to the top of the building using the stairs, since his apartment was on the highest floor...more like, his apartment was the highest floor. During the entire time, he'd had one hand holding mine and the other stuffed deep in his pocket, fiddling with something.

When we'd reached the top floor, Clifford had latched his hand on my waist, pulling me against his side, and covered my eyes.

"What are you-" I'd protested but was cut off by him.

"Shhh..just close your eyes and follow me." He'd released my waist and walked over to my other side so he could open the metal door and lead us through.

The first thing I'd felt when the door opened was the bone chilling breeze of the night. At a height of twenty floors, Clifford's apartment building housed the town's elite, none of whom were ever interested in coming up here. I, for one, loved it up there. The view of the city was amazing, yet the building was situated just at the brink of it so that the city noise didn't pour in too much.

Clifford had held my hand and led me out in the centre of the open space. Then he'd moved behind me and slowly released my eyes, only to lock his wrist with his hand around my hips.

"Happy Anniversary, Sky," he'd said in a low seductive voice close to my ear, then proceeded to kiss down the crook of my neck. I'd kept my eyes closed and stretched out my neck to give Clifford more access, savouring the feeling of his soft warm lips on my skin.

I'd heard him give a small a chuckle then breath out against my shoulder, "Open your eyes, ma belle amour." I couldn't help but smile at his French nickname for me. It meant my beautiful love.

I'd fluttered my eyes open and been met by the prettiest sight ever. The usually dark and ghostly looking place had now been brought to life. Then light of dozens of beige lanterns placed on the ground, walls and ledges illuminated the space. My favourite flowers, white lilies, were arranged in round clear glass vases near the lanterns and on a small bar table, that I noticed also had a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and two fancy looking champagne glasses. The setting was simple yet beautiful, just the way I liked things.

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