Chapter Three

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"What... the..." I mumbled, backing away from the silver car. "Hey Niall, I can't find the– oh, it stopped." Greg said. I switched glances back and forth between the BMW and Greg. "What's wrong?" he asked, standing next to me.

"The... car." I pointed. Greg raised his eyebrow. "Yeah...? What about it?" he asked. I stared nervously at the car. Something's definitely wrong with this car. I've never seen a car act like this before. Alarms doesn't just turn off like that? I mean, some cars do... but they take a long time...

"I... don't know..." I muttered. It was starting freaking me out. "Come on, it's getting late now. Why don't we call it a night and get some sleep. We'll clean up the house tomorrow." Greg suggested, tugging on my arm. I cautiously eyed the car on my way out.


I couldn't go to sleep. This was one of those restless nights where you were tired, but your eyes wouldn't stay shut. I flipped on my side so that I could see the view outside my window.

There wasn't much though: no stars, no moon, nothing but a blanket of darkness. I exhaled a long sigh, and pulled up the covers over my head. What should I do...? I thought to myself. Oh wait, I almost forgot about the iPod Josh gave me. I hopped out of bed and rummaged through my backpack. The new iPod touch box was still intact and unopened. I grinned happily, and unwrapped it, taking out the beautiful shiny brick.

I still can't believe Josh actually bought me something so expensive like this for my birthday. I mean, it's not that I didn't want it... but really? An iPod Touch out of all the things.

For the next two hours, I fooled around on it, downloading random games and utility apps. Maybe I'll add some songs in tomorrow. My eyes glanced at the digital clock quickly, which displayed 2:23 AM.

Oh Dam. That is late. I placed the iPod on my bedside and snuggle back into my blankets.

"Uhh... Josh...?" I said, playing with my hands. "Yeah...?" he answered. His chocolate brown eyes met mine, holding a gaze steadily.

"There's... something I needa tell you." I mumbled nervously, watching his reaction. "What is it.?" he asked. Oh god, am I really going to say this to him? Yes Niall! If you don't you'll never know! I took a deep breath, and gulped.

"I... I...   I like you." I finally confessed. My heart rate increased, pounding against the insides of my chest. "I...I'm sorry." I added abruptly, "I shouldn't have said that." My hands clutched my hair hiding my face. My feet turned around wanting to run away.

But, before I could, he grabbed my wrist.

"Niall, wait." he commanded. My entire body froze, listening to him. "Niall?" he asked, spinning me around to look at him again. "Look at me." he said. And again, I did as he told.

"Niall... I... like you too." he declared. My eyes widened in shock. Did Josh just say he liked me too? He reached for my hands and gently caressed them with his. "Niall?" he inquired. "Josh... I..." I stopped, when he pulled my chin, allowing our lips to meet.

In my mind, I was screaming for joy. There is no way I'm going to ever forget this. I've been waiting my whole life for this– okay, maybe not my whole life. Half of it; eight out of sixteen years. Yes, I've been crushing on him ever since I was eight years old. But that love never faded. It never died.

I broke away, taking quick breaths of air. "Niall?" he asked disappointedly. I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't find the words to say.

"Niall?" he said again. This time a little louder.

"Niall!" Josh said– wait a minute, that's not Josh. I shot upward from my bed, looking around. Where the hell am I? I'm not supposed to be here! No. No. No–

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