Chapter Fifteen

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I sat on the wooden stool that was stored in the garage. Zayn was there and I was there, of course. The time was exactly six-thirty and I was set for the date with Louis. Surprisingly, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. No twitchy fingers, sweaty palms. Just indifferent. Maybe my heart was beating a bit faster, but it was nothing too major.

     "Hey, Zayn. It's funny. You've been here for a couple of months now. I actually feel like I know everything about you. Yet really, I don't," I pointed out, resting my head. "You're personal life that is," I corrected myself, because I didn't know him intimately.

         "You're a nice person," I began, "Friendly..."

"...most of the time," I chuckled dryly, in my mind, referring to the time at the drive-in theater. He honked, sounding like he approved what I had said. "You're... also quite the looker," I stated, feeling my cheeks heating up for even pointing that out. I couldn't lie about that; he definitely had something going on there: deep brown eyes of sweet chocolate and quiffed black hair. It's almost impossible for anyone NOT to like him.

"Fun. Definitely fun," I quickly added next. And yes. I also have to admit that he has a great sense of adventure, taking me to places I would've never even believed myself would go to, ever.

"You saved my life. You're a lifesaver," I laughed, thinking about how redundant that sounded.


"Yeah. You're really something," I grinned.


He honked again. "Okay, don't get too full of yourself now," I told him, stretching out my arms tiredly. "You're still a reckless driver," I concluded, now gazing at the car's build.

God, it was beautiful. It never ceased to amaze me, no matter how many times I take a look. I might not have gotten the newest model for a car, but I'm fine with this one. If dad did get me a new car, I would've never been able to meet Zayn.

However, there was one thing still that kept me so perplexed; how could a real live human being could get trapped in a car.

This was science fiction.

Chills kinda went down my spine at that thought. If this was one of God's intention, I'd never know the reason why. Maybe fate. I tilted my head upward slightly, still trying to piece everything together after weeks.

If Zayn had gotten into an accident, someone must've really worked hard to bring the car back into this type of condition. I mean, over the weekend I had just noticed a few small dents, but they weren't too noticeable, though.

Where are you going?
With your long face 
Pulling down 
Don't hide away 

Like an ocean 
That you can't see but you can smell 
And the sound of the waves crash down 

I am no Superman 
I have no reasons for you 
I am no hero 
Oh, that's for sure

But I do know one thing 
Is where you are is where I belong 
I do know where you go 

Is where I want to be 

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