Chapter 6: Never a Burden

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'Heart to Heart' - James Blunt (acoustic version)


The next few days past without hesitation. The air cleared, the pain eased, the shivering ceased and the fever gradually ebbed away, leaving only a slight wooziness behind. With the time between dawn and dusk, I remained in bed, curled under the blankets, a brother always by my side, trying to recover from the harshness the world had thrown at me. The days had been rough, yet with each new sunrise, I could feel myself getting better.

One morning I awoke to the rich scent of baking chocolate wafting from the kitchen and instead of cringing with disgust at the knots twisting in my stomach, I felt my mouth beginning to water, the smell causing the sensation of dizziness to wash over me. I hadn't had much down my throat in a while and I couldn't help but feel relieved at the thought of being hungry again.

I rose from beneath the covers and slid out of bed. I swayed slightly from tired limbs, yet despite the weakness I still felt in my legs, I allowed the scent to guide me out into the kitchen, completely consumed by it. Darry stood patiently beside the oven, his arms folded, his ice-teal eyes gazing into space. He must've noticed my presence, for his head swivelled in my direction, a look of bewilderment catching his eyes before his lips curved into a light smile.

"You feeling better, Ponyboy?"

He crossed the space in only a few strides and placed a hand on my forehead before exhaling in relief, allowing it to fall on my shoulder. "Your fever has definitely calmed down, that's for sure."

I nodded, grinning faintly at the softness in Darry's tone; that voice had become a little less rare than it usually was. "Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better. Actually, I'm kind of..." I felt myself squirm slightly in embarrassment at admitting it, "hungry..."

My eldest brother chuckled, causing my cheeks to burn scarlet. "I'm sure you are, kiddo. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Do you need any help?" I asked eagerly, wanting to get back into the swing of things again.

Darry only shook his head, still smiling. "Maybe you're feeling better, but I don't want to push things too fast." I shrugged my agreement. "The guys are waiting in the living room if you wanna hang around with them."

I gave a swift nod, yet just when I was about to leave, I whirled back round and wrapped my arms tightly around Darry's waist, pressing my cheek into his chest, the sensation of his heart beat against my ear sending warmth rippling through me. At first, he seemed taken aback, too stunned to react, but with time he returned the hug, drawing me even closer to him as he placed his chin on the top my head, easing soothing shapes over my back. I allowed my eyes to close, melting into the moment, enjoying it while it lasted for I knew it wouldn't remain forever, no matter how much I wished it could.

I raised my head, beaming up at my eldest brother timidly. I knew I didn't deserve the affection he gave me. I'd been nothing but a bother all week, and the guilt of it all was enough to drive me to the edge. I didn't want to be a burden, but some how that's all I ever end up being. I gradually left Darry's grasp, a sensation of tears clouding my eyes, yet I blinked them away and resided from the room, struggling to ignore the shame I felt setting on my chest.

The gang was parading around the living room, causing as much raucous as they possessed, yet the noise no longer bothered me and seeing their high spirits made my lips curve out even wider, the guilt I was feeling waning away slightly. Soda and Steve were tumbling on the floor, playfully fighting each other like little children while Two-bit commentated their every movement. Johnny was situated on the couch, his knees drawn close, an amused glimmer in his ebony eyes while Dally was poised against the wall, leaning back on one foot with a look of mock contempt spreading across his features. When they noticed me, soundlessness fell, yet as always Two-bit always had something to crack up about.

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