chapter-10 Fun Begins!!!

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Priya's POV

We started driving to his life changed in a span of two weeks. The first day when my dad spoke about the vacation I just thought that....I would have fun. But, but my life has took a steep turn making me to fall in a deep pit. I was lost in my thoughts staring out of the window, how am I going to face the reality? Or how should I face the reality? I was so lost in my thoughts that I felt someone nudging me. I shook my head and jumped out of my thoughts world.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me. I just shrugged and started to stare outside again.

"I asked...what you are thinking about?" he raised his tone this time. I panicked this time 'coz I could sense how far he can go to get the answers.

"Least of your concerns...!" I just said simply and turned to the opposite side.

"Every part of you and everything related to you is of my highest concern." he said while gripping my arm. I just stayed silent without uttering a word.

"I'm not going to ask you start saying?" he said while tightening his grip.

"Please stop concentrating in me and start driving carefully" I said gesturing the road.

"Whoa....please....I don't concentrate on things which I care least about. So stop expecting high about you. I don't care about you." He said laughing aloud. I felt a pinch in my heart.... Yes...of course why will he's my stupidity that I thought so. I sighed.

"I care ...just about my parents and are just a toy for me to make my mother happy...and overcome the problem I have been facing from 10 years without my fault in it." He said with a strong tone which scared me.

Oh my he taking revenge?? I thought to myself. "Ohh...please stop that thought....I'm not taking revenge ....I'm just making my mother happy USING you. I'm not going to ham you" he said while stressing the word 'using'.

I stared at can he think about the past which happened 10 years can he think like that? How will I cope up with him? The thought which I was dreading has come to life. How will I survive with this fact... I wanted to forget everything which happened in the past...but now...everything came flashing in my mind.

I shook my head to forget those events. He nudged me again. "Stop thinking and start answering." He said without looking at if he just didn't say anything regarding the past.

"Okay..!!" I said quietly. "What were you thinking?" he asked patiently this time.....maybe he wanted to give me some space.

"I was just my life changed within a span of two weeks." I just answered him without looking at him.

"Yeah ...mine too...struck with a biggest responsibility and the worst headache" he said irritated. I felt so low hearing his words. Tears started pricking in my eyes. But I controlled them.

Yesterday morning he was smiling at me...and now he is behaving as if a different person. I have entered a hell, may be I have done something wrong to someone that I'm facing it now. I thought to myself and sighed.

"Oh...please don't stop them on my behalf, just pour them out. May be more of them are about to come." He said ignoring my sadness.

I sighed and tears started to roll on my face. I have to stay strong and even make my family happy. Even my family deserves best; they can't know that imp unhappy.

"When do you start going to college again?" he asked me out of nowhere. We were silent for more than an hour.

"May be next Monday...more 6 days to go." I said. "Ohh...good 3rd year rite?" he asked while moving his hands on my bangles. "Ye...yes..!!" I said while trying to move my hand from his grasp. He held my hand from moving.

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