chapter- 8 Big Day!!

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Abhay's POV

After the wedding I spoke to my dad. He was very much concerned about me and priya, he knows everything about my dislike towards her and the deeds she has done. Everyone says that in our childhood our heart will be like a plain white paper, if we get a bad impression on anyone then it will remain forever. The situation between me and priya is as such....I am thinking very hard to wipe out all the bad memories but it's proving me very difficult. Even when I spoke to my dad he was advising the same to me what even my heart and Sid were saying to my mind. Mind is very dominating over heart. Heart thinks what is good but mind thinks what is necessary to be done. I'm going crazy with all these thinking. I was just thinking all these by pacing around the room.

"Abhay....are you ok?"My dad asked me with concern filled in his voice.

"Yes dad ...I am need to worry about me." I gave him assurance.

"Everything is going to be fine" I said him as well as to myself. I gave a small smile to him.

"Abhay ...I just came by to say you something which is very important to know after marriage. "He said me as in a doubtful manner.

"You may know this....even then I just wanted to say you again so that you will think about it." He said me.

"Sure dad...I'll surely think about it" I said in a stern voice so that he believes me.

"Abhay...the life before wedding and after wedding is completely different.....even though you may feel you can may turn out to be a tough job." He paused for two seconds. I just nodded to him.

"Never lose hope in marriage....I know what happened between both of you...but it is in childhood and never let those thoughts overcome your happiness. A coin has two sides likewise every problem or a situation can be viewed through two different ways. I hope that you will take the positive way to view and solve a problem or a situation. I assure you that Priya is a very good girl and she will prove as a perfect wife too, but just give some time to her for her adjustment. Don't jump into conclusions soon. I hope you will do your job as a husband in a splendid manner and I have confidence in you." He said me by filling confidence in me.

"Dad I'll never disappoint you." I said and took his blessings. I just gave a small smile at him and he returned it. "So get ready for your day one of married life...priya will be soon here." He chuckled saying it. I grinned at him.

After he bid goodbye to me....I just observed the room surroundings. Everything was fully decorated with flowers, fruits. The bed is filled with rose petals. I just chuckled by seeing it and sat on the bed. I just wore a white dress, my mom was particular about this dress and as well as ritual. I knew what would be happening now. But I decided one thing, she is just 20 and I just don't want to force her into anything. She is very young for all these, I'll just give her sometime so that we both can know each other well and we can take a next step in our marriage. Even though my past with her is haunting me I'll just throw everything aside and try to be a good husband for her. I was fully lost in my thoughts when the door to my room opened and Priya stood at the entrance with a glass full of milk.

Seeing her I was bit tensed, with all the ornaments on her she was looking damn beautiful. She was beautifully decorated with all the ornaments. In simple words I can say that she is looking as a beautifully carved statue. Her eyes were roaming all over the room and plastered them on me finally. I bet she will be thinking that I am a monster and I'll force her but I would do the inverse and prove her wrong. I was determined to give her some time while she came slowly towards me and handed over the glass of milk. While she was giving me the glass of milk, my eyes caught the sight of her hands. Her both hands were filled with bangles. I really love the sound of bangles and anklets. The sound they make soothes my mind, that's why I never allow my mom to take away her anklets or bangles. I wish Priya too listens to my word and accept it.

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