The Promise Chapter 18

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The Promise

Chapter 18

Nikki’s POV

Going back to school sucks, but at least we don’t have school tomorrow since they’re re-painting the entire school. Still though, today I have to go to school and I don’t want to see Julie, and I most definitely don’t want to see her face when she sees me. When grandma picked me up at the salon, she yelled at me, then went inside the salon and told my mother she “kidnapped” me technically. Madison talked my grandma into let me stay long enough to finish my streaks thankfully.  When I got home, Jake couldn’t look at me, he said he couldn’t believe I would hurt grandma’s feelings like that.

Then to top it all off, dad called my phone. He apologized for what mom said, but personally I think he just wanted to hear my voice. It took a lot out of me to hear him talk, especially when he admitted there’s a good chance they’ll be leaving now. I’m not entirely sure how I feel, but at the moment it feels like I’m going through a blur. I did my homework, walked Clark, made dinner, and checked my phone to see another text from Blaine telling me she wasn’t going to make it for the webcam chat. I told her just to forget about it because I have zero interest in being her friend.  She didn’t respond to that.

Today is Monday, I’m going back to school and Blaine’s first day at school. I put a red long shirt on with black stripes on it, and put on shorts, not caring what I looked like at all.  I straightened my hair even though it’s naturally straight, I’m just killing time before school. I packed a power bar so I wouldn’t have to eat lunch by myself, and figured I’d study at the library until lunch is over.

When it was time to leave, Angela’s mom’s car rolled into the driveway. I rush to the car, smiling at Angela, who I’ve been becoming close to lately.

“Hey, Nikks,” Angela said, her dirty blonde hair curled. She had six different shades of yellow bangles going up her arm, she calls it her signature.

“Hey, Angela,” I said smiling. I smile at Angela’s mother who could easily have been a model if she wasn’t short. “Hi, Mrs. Willie.”

“Hi, Nikki dear,” Mrs. Willie said, smiling at me through the rearview mirror. We drove off, and I couldn’t help but notice Jake leaving the house and getting in his car, looking slightly frustrated.

I haven’t talked to him since the day I came home from the salon. He’s been at Warren and Peter’s house every day. I’ve hardly seen grandma either. She’s been working at the shop nonstop, and I’ve noticed she’s growing a lot of gray hairs. When we pulled up to the school, me and Angela said bye to her mom and we both parted ways, saying see you later.

I found Anna in French already when I got there. She’s wearing tons of makeup and her outfit actually matches. I slide into the seat next to her, smiling at her. “We’ll don’t you look nice today.”

Anna blushed and buried her head into her French cards. “I just thought I’d look nice today. Oh who am I kidding, there’s this sophomore, Daniel. He totally digs me.”

I was about to say something about him being a jerk, but at the moment, Anna is one of the only people who aren’t mad at me right now, and I’d like to keep some people not mad at me. “Sounds like he’s a keeper, but I know some people who say Daniel shouldn’t be trusted, but I guess everyone has their opinion right?”

Anna looked at me, her eyes squinted, as if she knew I was keeping something from her. She nodded eventually and the rest of the class filed in, all of us looking like zombies. Everyone in this class including me, study this subject least. We’re all sure the French teacher is going to give us the answers so she doesn’t look like a bad teacher.

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