The Promise Chapter 23

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The Promise

Chapter 23

Nikki’s POV

Saying good-bye to my grandma was one of the hardest things to do in my life. It’s number two next to saying good-bye to Jake. I have to say goodbye a lot don’t I? The word good-bye has ruled my life, turned it upside down, made it worse, made it better, made it harder, made it easier. Everything will end with good-bye, and sometimes there’ll never be a hello after.  When the movers left with my stuff, I was left alone with grandma for our final moment together.  I hugged her tightly, tears running down my face as I felt her boney body start trembling. “I’ll be okay, I promise.”

She nodded her head and let me go.  We got in the car and drove to my parents’ house. After a long talk, I told them it was best to leave on Thursday morning instead of what their plans were. It was so odd seeing my old street with the old neighbors, back to the snooty side instead of the nice comfy relaxing side of town.

We pulled up in front of my home. I looked at grandma and she looked back at me. This moment right here is something I’ll never forget. Every second that goes by hurts more and more until the ache in my stomach is unbearable. I grabbed Clark and got out of the car, giving myself a pep talk in my mind. I will not look back, I refuse to.

When I heard her drive away, that sealed my new life. She was gone, no longer my legal guardian. I grabbed my key from the front pocket of my jeans and unlocked the front door. I opened the door and saw the room untouched as ever. The same furniture stayed in the same spot as it did nearly five months ago.

The house still had the sad aura that it had when I left here. It felt like I was walking back into a horror scene I’ve already lived. I closed the door loudly, then walked into the kitchen, hoping my parents would be there. Nope, they weren’t there. I went into their studies, then their bedroom, the workout room, even my room, and they were no where to be seen. I walked into the library, all of my books already lining the shelves as if they never left. I found them both sitting on red chairs, engrossed with their books.

I watched them read, their eyes flickering across the pages, their mouths moving the words, a habit both of them picked up around the same time. I haven’t caught them reading since they both got their promotions and their lives revolved around work. I leaned lightly against a bookshelf, smiling.

Mom glanced up and smiled widely. She stood up, put her book on the couch, and ran over to me. She hugged me, crying lightly. She hasn’t been able to give me a hug in forever. She hasn’t seen me since we I was in the hospital, and I was barely coherent through most of it. She never forgot about me, that much I knew. Dad hugged both of us, and for once, it felt like we were the family we were nearly six years ago, before everything. All we were missing was Jake.

“Let me show you your room,” Mom said excitedly, hurrying me up the stairs. She opened my door, and threw her hands up in the air like she was a dancer.

I looked around, smiling brightly. She put everything the way I had it before I left. She added a window seat though, something I really love. She started pulling me into Jake’s room, smiling even brighter now. I looked around, my eyes scanning the whole room. The floors are hardwood, there was a long black desk with a desktop computer nestled on it. The walls are a copper green, one of my favorite colors.

“This is my office, isn’t it?” I ask my parents, turning around to face them.

They both nodded eagerly, both of them looking proud of themselves. I sit on the black office chair and give it a good twirl. I look at them again, and for once, they did something for me. “I love it, thank you. It’ll be a lot easier to concentrate on my blogging and writing now.”

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