Ch. 7 Judas betrays Jesus

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When Jesus and His disciples were at Mary and Martha's, Mary went to Jesus and brought an expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus' foot, then when Judas came in he saw what was happening and he got angry "Stop that woman! Your wasting expensive perfume. We could sell that use the money for the poor!", and Mary was sad but Jesus comforted her and He told Judas "Leave her alone. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have Me.", and then Judas saw the woman wiping Jesus' foot with her hair, then Judas got mad and left, and Jesus knew His time has almost come, after the last supper.

Judas went back to the temple to meet the pharisee and betray Jesus, and the pharisee said "I am glad you see things my way.", and Judas asked "How much will you pay me?", and the pharisee said "Thirty pieces of silver. When will you deliver Jesus?", and Judas said "When the time is right."

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