Chapter 6

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So, we entered the ball room. I have got to give credit to the decorating commity for this. The place looks gorgeous. I'm going to hire them for my wedding! Jake quickly goes to find me some punch and Katrina quickly runs off to find Stephanie. So Mr. Bigshot and I are left alone. Great!

"Hey, so what do you say we ditch our dates and go back to my place for the night."

"You may not have a problem letting Katrina down but  definatley have a problem with letting Jake down. Jake is my ideal date. Not you!"

"Hey I don't tie myself down to one girl. There is no shame in that."

"Realy because I find a lot of shame in that. If you haven't noticed, I am a nice, honest person. Unlike you."

"Well, babe. Lemme no if you change your mind."

Finally! He leaves just as Jake is getting back. Good.

"Thank you for getting me punch. You are a real gentleman."

"No problem. I saw you talking to Griffin again." He said this with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yeah he was just bothering me, trying to get me to go out with him."

" I'm going to kill him!"

Woah I've never seen Jake this worked up. I got to cool him down.

"No,no. It's okay. I took care of it. Let's just spend sometime together."

So for the next half an hour we talked and got to know more about each other. I never knew so much stuff about him. His life was so interesting. His mom used to be a runway model in Mulan and his father was head of a big shoe corporation. I guess that's where the Ferrari came from. He said girls acctually used to date him to get to his money. That's why he stopped telling everyone he was wealthy. He never bragged but he didn't keep it a secret.

I told him about my father mostly. I didn't tell very much about my step family. I think he understood when I didn't bring them up much because he didn't push when I changed the subject. Griffin would never do that. He probably wouldn't even listen. That's why Jake was the complete package. Tonight I was acctually happy.

"Isabella, Isabella!"  Katrina came over screaming my name. I could see tears rolling down her cheeks.


She leaned over and whispered in my ear. OMG. That little snake. Oh I was going to break his face!!! Griffin told her that he loved her and then he told her he would love her more if she had my looks. He also told her that no guy would ever want her unless she dumped that hideous dress.

"Tell Jake while I'm busy commiting murder."

"What! What's going on."

Katrina filled him in.

" So Jake are you going to help me commit murder?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hell yeah."

We walk up to Griffin. He was flirting with girls and kissing their hands. Oh, he's a dead man. He turns around and sees us.

"Hey, what's up guys?"

"We heard what you said to Katrina!" I shouted. I was like a roman bull at this point. Jake hold my purse.

" Yeah, well she needed to hear the truth."

"Go and apologize. NOW!" Jake demanded.

"Nah, I'm good."

Oh no bro! The next thing I knew he was laying on the ground. Oh god, Jake slugged him right in the face. That's my man.

"Not so tough now, are you, Griffin?"

He ran out of the room. He so derserved it.

"I'm sorry, Isabella. I just snapped when I saw how he was treating girls."

"No, it's completely okay. I like know that you aren't a jerk but you also don't take crap from people. Let's go and enjoy our night."

Then my favorite song came on, Stay by Miley Cyrus.

"Would you care to dance?" Jake asked.

"Yes. I would love too."

So after our new song ended I went to find Griffin. I wanted to see if he was okay. I didn't want Jake getting kicked out of Prom because of that jerk. I acctually found it halarious that Griffin always acted tough but then the sweet, sensitive guy put him in his place.
I found Griffin outside. His noes had stopped bleeding. He was just getting up to go inside when he saw me. He glared at me. Then I said,

" So how does it feel being broken? You were broken physically but Katrina was broken emotionally."

"I feel fine, but why did Jake do that?"

"Because you broke her heart, your an ass, and you totally deserved it. You cannot treat girls like that and expect to get away with it. Someone had to teach you a lesson."

"I guess your right." He then started to get up and walk away.

"Where are you going?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Back inside, I need to apologize to a couple people. First, I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry I tried to hit on you when I was with Katrina. It was stupid and I do regret it. I'm glad Jake punched me. I don't think I will be treating girls like that anymore.

"I acept your apology, but there is someone who deserves an apology more than I do."

"Your right" And with that he walked inside. I quickly followed to see what was going to happen. He walked up to Jake and they quickly exchanged glances. Jake was just about to walk away when Griffin said,

"Jake, I'm really sorry. About everything. I mean it. And I would also like to thank you."

"For what?", Jake asked questioningly.

"For showing me that girls are not items that can be used than thrown away. No one has ever standed up to me before like that. I hope you will accept my apology."

"I accept, but I believe I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to."

"Isabella said the same thing." With that he walked over to where Katrina was standing. She was sobbing by the punch bowl. Stephanie and Jamie were next to her. Jamie moved to our school in the 4th grade. She is really pretty and tall and skinny. Everyone envied her.

"Katrina?" Griffin said. She looked up and dried her tears.

" What do you want?"

"I wanted to apologise and beg for your forgiveness. I was completely wrong. I wasd just trying to act ...... cool. I realize now that i must change my foolish ways."

"I forgive you, I guess. But you are no longer my date. I am now with Kendal."

"I understand, Excuss me."

Well Katrina bounces back fast. Kendal was really hot. Tall, tanned, and the face of an angel. What more can you ask for. OMG. His parents must have been drop dead gorgeous to produce a kid with that appearence.

I walk up to Katrina.

"So are you really forgiving him?"

"Yeah, he learned his lesson. And I really believe that."

"Me too. Maybe we should invited him to hang out with us sometime."

" We should. It would be good for him to get a second chance.

Just then Kendal walked up.

"Hey. I saw Griffin over here. He wasn't bothering you was he?" He asked this protectivly. How sweet.

"No. He apologised to both of us and we decided to forgive him. Do you want to go dance?"


By now Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade was playing. AWWW. Their song. I just think it's so adorable. I then walk back over to Jake.

" Would you like to go for a walk."

"Sure." A moonlite walk. How romantic. I could really fall for Jake. I think I am! And I could tell by the way he looked at me that he was falling for me too!

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