Chapter 7

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" So, what's your family like?" Great Jake! He decided to break the silence on a very romatic walk. And he decided to break it with a question about a very sensitive topic! How in hell am I going to awnser this one. Think.... god Isabella THINK! Maybe I could avoid it by asking him a question about his family. Like, what are his parent's names or where did he grow up. Yeah that'll work.

"Isabella?" Jake said questioningly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh,um.. yeah. Their great. What are your parent's names?" He looked at me like I was crazy. I knew why. He gave a girl a chance to talk about her family and herself and she totally just gave it up. I should have said a little more than their great. Stupid!

"Stephanie and Mike. Wow, you are something Isabella." He said chuckling.

"What are you talking about?" I asked knowing excactly what his answer was going to be.

" I have taken an interest in your personal life and I gave you a chance to talk about yourself and you kinda just brushed it off."

"Oh well, I'm really not one of those conceded girls who only care about themselves. I'm sure you guys get tired of those fake wanna be dolls who don't care about their dates lifes and all they want to do is get into the guy's pants."

"This is really nice to know that not all girls are a Sarah." He said laughing. I started to laugh too.

"I thought all you guys were in love with Sarah, I mean she's pretty and popular."

"Are you kidding me! We all hate her. We just give her what she wants so she won't rip us to peices."

"Oh I'm glad everyone else shares my point of view. And for all these years I thought everyone was a boneheaded idiot." I said this and Jake started chuckling again. Oh man, he was so cute when he did that. This boy has stollen my heart and it only took him an hour.

We kept walking for a while and then we came up to a pond with a bench next to it. It was a beautiful pond, small and oval like. The moon made it look like a fairytale scene the way it smimmered on the water. The bench was fit for two and it was made out of pine.

"Shall we sit for a minute." Shall, how gentlemen like!


The bench was very comfortable. It reminded me of a bench my dad made when I was a kid. I watched him work on the bench for three days and when it was finally done he told me that it would be my princess throne. Then, he asked me what my favorite princess was and I replied Repunzal. I always loved the Barbie Repunzal movie. From that day on he called me his little Repunzal. Now I'm like a Cinderella to Mable. And to think I always hated that movie but I did want to be like her someday. Oh sweet irony.

"So, why are you so down to earth, you usually hang around the "popular" crowd and every guy falls over you." Jake asked me this and by the look on his face I could tell that he really was curious.

"I really don't know. I guess I'm just not the cady type."

"Well, I definatley like it." For the first time in my life I acctually blushed! I can usually make my date blush. My god, what was this boy doing to me.

We sat and talked about his life for a while. His dad propossed to his mom on this very bench! And Jake loves hockey and he is thinking of going pro. He said he does and elite leage that is for gifted hockey players. Our school hockey program 'Let's any old riftraft in' as he puts it. Jake also told me that his parents are trying to have another little baby. He want's it to be a baby boy. Jake likes the name Tyler and Kendal. Tyler could be my little hockey prodegy, and when he said that his whole face lit up.

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