Chapter 9

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So we arrived at the bowling alley after picking up Katrina and Kendal. Katrina looked phenomenal. She was rocking short black shorts with a orange tee shirt that said Live Free on it. She also was wearing her balck converse that I had gotten her for Christmas. He make-up was very refined. Just a little black eyeliner and some gray eyeshadow. I was so jealous of her eyelashes. She didn't need mascara because her lashes were naturally long and thick. However, the car ride was awkwardly quiet and no one said a single word. When we pulled up to Katrina's house I noticed her and Kendal having a little bit of a heated conversation. I figured I would ask her about it later; but, then again, I didn't want to snoop or put my noise in her business. Something was definitely up that I didn't know about because all three off them were acting weird. If it kept going like this I would just ask them what was wrong. I really hope it was nothing too serious.

We all got out of Jake's car and went into the alley. The sun was blistering and the walk from the parking lot to the building felt endless. We should have gone later, at maybe 7:00 when the sun started to go down. But, it was all okay once we got inside.  The cool blast from the air conditioning felt so good when we walked through the front doors. Kendal asked us all our shoe sizes and then quickly returned with our shoes. Katrina and I walked to the lady's room to put them on.

"Hey Katrina?"


"Is everything okay," I was praying it was but I had a weird suspicion that it wasn't.

"Uh... yeah"

"No it isn't. I know that 'Uh.... yeah'. I grew up with you and you can't fool me."

"Well, I do have to ask you something."


"Have you been cheating on Jake?"

"Oh my god no! Why would you think that?? Is that why everyone was acting all weird?"

"Yeah we all know about it. Jake got a letter in the mail from Griffin.... it wasn't good.'

"Oh my god, what did it say?"

"Here, read it yourself. Jake told me to hang onto it."

I grabbed the letter from her hand and started reading. This is what it read:

 Dear Jake,

I just thought you should know that Isabella is mine. She doesn't love you and she is with another guy. She has been cheating on you this entire time. I think you are a really great guy and you should know. Actually I have a confession as well. Isabella is cheating on you with me. The day after Prom, she texted me and asked me to hook up with her. I couldn't turn her down and she told me you guys were nothing, that you were just her Prom date and that was it. she has been all over me ever since. I asked her why she was with you after she told me that and she said it was just for 'show'. If you don't believe me, just read the texts that i printed out below.

I looked down at the texts and saw the whole conversation between him and me. I never sent those texts! I don't know what happened. This is a trick, photoshop, or something. Wait! I know what he did. I have to set things straight.

"Katrina, I can explain."

"I'm sure you can..."

That's it! I grabbed her hand and led her out to the boys. "We all need to talk now!", I said in a rushed voice.

"So Katrina told me why you guys were all acting weird and I promise I can explain."

"Isabella just save it. If your going to tell us he's a liar or that you didn't know what you were doing and he tricked you, I don't want to hear it.", Jake sound more upset than when Griffin was an ass at Prom.

"Shut up and listen", I said this really loudly and it seemed that everyone was taken back by it. "See these texts? They aren't from my phone. The contact says my name but Griffin put in a different number in his contacts under my name. When I first met him he had told me a story about how he pulled an amazing April Fools prank on his friend with this trick. His uncle owns a cell phone store. Like At&t or something. And all the old phones that aren't selling he can get with different numbers. SO all he does is save that number he has under a certain contact and he can sit there typing back and forth from both phones."

"Okay that actually sounds believable; but, how do we know it's the truth," Kendal was right. I had to find a way to prove this. Perfect timing. Griffin just pulled up withg some bimbo in the car. He walked over to us and gave us a grin.

"So I see Isabella finally admitted to you guys what has been happening this entire time," Griffin laughed after he said this.

I saw his phone in his hand and quickly looked at Katrina. She knew exactly what to do. She drop kicked him right in the face. He started to bleed; but, as soon as his phone hit the parking lot I grabbed it and dragged Jake aside. I opened Griffin's contacts and looked up mine. I opened it and what do you know....He put a fake number under mine. I showed Jake and oh boy was he mad. He walked over to Griffin who quickly got up.

"You little shit. You're a fucking liar and a sneak. How fucking dare you lie about that. You got all off us upset at Isabella for no fucking reason." Jake was fucking on fire.

"Haha you guys actually bought it. I was trying to destroy her after she turned me down. It didn't work but it was quite a little show for me."

Next thing I knew, Griffin was on the ground again. Jake hit him so hard it knocked him unconcious. I grabbed everyone's hands and dragged them to the car. We flew out of there. The last thing I needed was Jake getting arrested. 

"Isabella, I'm so sorry we thought that actually happened. I can't believe I was so stupid. Baby, please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I will never let this happen again. I swear to god." Jake was almost crying.

"Of course I forgive you."

"I love you" Jake was seriously kicking himself for thinking that it was true.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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