Chapter 6 - Look at yourself first

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Last night's events took such a huge toll on me that I didn't feel like going to office today morning. However, I've always been taught to separate professional and personal lives and in attempt to do that, I go to office sharp at 10.00 Am.

Deepak and Venkatesh aren't here yet, and I remember Venkatesh texting me last night, saying to come early because we needed to do more stories today. However, even though it's 10.10 Am now I don't see any trace of either of them. Therefore, I see myself dial Venkatesh's number.

"Yes, Nadia?" he answers at the third ring only.

"Sir, aren't you coming today?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah, just stuck in traffic. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

"Alright," I reply and hang up.

I turn on my computer and take off my shades and scarf before putting them beside the CPU. At this time, I hear the sound of the door opening and don't pay much attention, thinking that it would be some employee from the other IT Company. Nevertheless, to my utmost astonishment I see Steven walking towards me, hands sticking inside his pockets. He wears a deep green shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and paired with a faded black pants. His hair is neatly tied into a semi bun and his eyes are right on me, shinning from a smirk that decorates his lips.

Aware about him turning down my offer to go out with me, I break my gaze from him and begin to ransack inside my bag.

"What a pleasant surprise? You're so early today?" he says.

I lift up my head to catch him, smiling at me. Owing to him coming to office at 11.00 Am every day, I know I should tell him that 10 is my normal time of coming, but for some reason words stuck in my throat.

I make way to the washroom and we pass the tea and water area together. Our arms touch in the process and he stops, allowing me to stroll forward.

"How come you're so early?" I ask.

"Actually this is my conventional time of coming, I was just getting late the past week," he retorts, while taking out the laptop from his bag.

I watch him dusting off his workstation, using a small piece of cloth that I've spotted lying on his table all the time. I enter the washroom, but witness an urge to extend the conversation from Steven's side.

Proving me right, as soon as I exit the washroom and walk towards my workstation, Steven looks at me, smiling.

"You know before you and your colleague, but especially you joined the office; your counter used to be so quiet. Just your Boss and two more girls. But now, there is always yapping coming from your counter," he smirks at me.

"So, you're saying I always yap?" I lean against my counter and smile.

"Of course, don't you?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Very," he smiles from ear to ear, in fact stifle a laugh. "Very, very bad."

"Steven? Not fair," I fake anger and turn around to sit on my chair, and start working.

I don't hear him say anything anymore, therefore; we both concentrate on work. Something about the exchange with him makes me so happy that I feel extra focused on work.

Deepak and Venkatesh arrives again at the same time, and seeing me already typing on the keyboard, both of them smile.

"Morning, sir," I smile at Venkatesh.

"Good morning," he smiles back.

"Morning," I say to Deepak.

"Morning, morning," he answers. "When did you come?"

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