Chapter 11 - I am done with you

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"Good morning, sir," I greet Venkatesh and he flashes me his whole set of teeth. "Good morning," I wish Deepak as well and he murmurs a "morning" to me too.

I turn on my computer and keep my stuff on the table before turning on my heels to go to the washroom. On standing before the wash basin, I look at myself on the mirror and tell myself that I'll at least make an attempt to stop thinking about Steven.

When I come out of the washroom, I hear the noise of the sensor plate of the main door and my sixth sense tells me that it's Steven. Even before I could comprehend if I am right, I see him walking towards me. He wears his pink half sleeved shirt and black pants, wearing the helmet and talking on the phone. Our eyes meet soon and I feel jittery, wanting to break our gaze. But as I pass him and the edges of our shoulders rub against each other, he mildly taps on my forehead with his bike keys. I stop and look at him again with widened eyes. He gives me his sweetest smile, dimples carving on the cheeks and I know this is a reaction due to our conversation from last night. My anticipation that he was trying to convince me gets confirmed. Therefore, as my response I mildly slap on his arm and he laughs.

I go back to my chair and only think of the moment I just had with Steven. I internally smack myself for even thinking that he was trying to avoid me. However, I don't let the happiness control me, hence; I start looking for story ideas.

When lunch hour rolls in, I see Deepak looking extremely sick. His nose is running, eyes are watering and skin is burning as if on fire.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask him, keeping a hand on his shoulders.

"I think I've got fever," he answers, head bowed down.

"You should go home. Tell sir, he won't mind, I know," I suggest.

Deepak nods his head and turns around on his chair to talk to Venkatesh, who is busy eating his lunch. After Deepak informs him that he's feeling sick, Venkatesh readily permits him to go home. On getting his approval, Deepak quickly arranges his things and leaves the office.

"Take care," I say behind him.

"I will, thanks," he smiles at me before going out of the door.

I let out a sigh and fetch my lunch box from my bag. I've brought pasta today and being my favorite, I simply devour into it for the next fifteen minutes.

After I'm done, I wash my hands and rinse my mouth before resorting to my chair again. I start writing the third story for the day.

As the clock strikes 4 pm, and I just submit the third story to Venkatesh, I realize an immense need to sip on coffee. I hate the fact that Deepak is not here because walking down the street and drinking coffee alone at the shop is very boring against my chatter-box personality. Thus, left with no other choice I decide to call Steven and see if he can come with me.

As if on cue, at this moment I hear light footsteps approaching me and I know it's him. I turn around and our sights lock instantly. He waggles his eye brows at me and I smile widely.

"Hey, Steven?" I call him as his back faces me.

"Yeah?" he quickly turns around and slightly smiles at me.

"You wanna go out for coffee?"

"Coffee? I can't right now, sorry," he pouts.

I smile. "Okay, then at 4.30? 5?" I raise my brows.

He laughs now. "I don't know man! I've lots of work to do," he says and turns on his heels, not even waiting for my reply.

I watch his trail and see him exit the office, talking on the phone now.

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