Yet Another Author Note. Sorry!

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I haven't done one for a while....

I just wanted to say thank you and ask something.

So today I realised I got a few follower notifications and I have like 85 followers! I never thought that would happen so I really just want to say thank you so much.

I also get a lot of positive comments and messages which honestly makes my day. I'm glad that so many of you enjoy my writing (I noticed that my Steve and Bucky ones are most popular), so I'll try to update more often.

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting.
(39.9k reads apparently which is something I honestly never expected.)

So onto my question.
I've been on tumblr a lot more recently and on there a lot of imagines writers do drabbles lists. So I was thinking of doing that on here. However much I'd like to post on tumblr I just never got the hang of it.
So would you want that?

(Also x-men picture because why not?)

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