Steve - Baking

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You were released from hospital the next day and although your family wanted you to stay with them, you convinced them to let you go back to your apartment alone. At least there you could watch netflix in peace.

At around 2:00pm each day, one of your friends or family would come by to check on you and get you anything you needed. It was 1:45 and you were lying in bed with your laptop on your knee.
There was a rythmic knock on your door and you slid out of bed, walking to the door in your leggings, loose band shirt and bed socks.

Opening the door, you saw no other than Steve Rogers, a shy smile on his lips.
"Oh hello!" You said, unable to contain your surprise.
"Afternoon." Steve said, glancing down at your socks and smiling.

It was then that you took the chance to look him over. The first thing you noticed was tge bouqet of flowers in blue paper which he held in one hand and the rectangular shaped box wrapped in red paper he held in the other. You saw your name written on it neatly.
He wore a crisp blue shirt and black trousers, his hair seemingly perfect.
His smile was the most beautiful thing of all though, and you felt yourself smile at the thought of seeing that smile each day.

He cleared his throat, bringing you back to your senses.
"These are for you." He said, holding out the flowers and the box.
You smiled, thanking him and took the flowers, stepping to the side.
"Please, come in." You said, watching him enter before closing the door.

You went into your kitchen to find a vase but when you realised you didn't have one, you put them in a blue and white striped milk jug your mum had brought you from England.

You went back into the living room to put them on the coffee table beside the box Steve had given you.
Glancing up, you saw Steve sitting neatly on your couch, looking quite the picture.

You glanced at the clock. 2:05.
"Sorry. A friend or family member is coming around soon to check up on me but I'd love it if you could stay." You said, sitting beside him.

He grinned, "Actually, your mother called me asking if I would come round and check up on you, since she had to take a stray cat to the vet."

You blinked. "Oh. I'm sorry... I didn't know."

Steve gently placed a hand on yours, which rested on the space on the edge of the couch between the two of you.

"You really don't need to apologise, (y/n)."

You glanced from your hands up to him, your eyes meeting.

"I think some part of me was hoping you would have needed saving by now." He said quietly.

"I think some part of me was hoping you would have saved me by now." You replied, less quietly.

He smiled at you, but looked slightly confused.

"I've been bored out of my mind." You lied, previously quite content with netflix, "Craving human company."

He laughed, "What about the 2 o'clock visits?"

You twisted your mouth, "New human company."

"Ah. Well now that I'm here, have I saved you yet?"

You shook your head, "Not sufficiently."

He laughed again, a laugh like bells.
"So what more saving do you require, Miss (y/n)?"

You took a second to think before slipping your hand out from under his to hug your knees to your chest, though it slightly hurt your wound.

"Do you want to do some baking with me?" You asked.

He raised an eyebrow, and you thought he was going to laugh again but then he shrugged, "Never tried it before. You'll have to teach me."

"It would be my pleasure." You said, standing and going back to your kitchen, followed by Steve.

You pulled a large recipe book off a shelf and together you and Steve flicked through it, before deciding on a chocolate cake. The one in the picture was shaped like a heart, but you only had a circular tin.

Steve said that next time he'd bring you a different shaped tin.

For the next half hour, you and Steve followed the instructions from the book, you did most of the measuring and Steve most of the mixing.
He rolled up his shirt sleeves, which you found pretty cute.

You tasted the mixture and said it was too dry, so you carried it over to the fridge to pour some more milk in.

"Can we decorate it with different types of chocolate? I think that would be really cool." You said as you went back to Steve.
Suddenly, you slipped in your socks and crashed into Steve, who caught you in his arms.
The cake mixture splattered all over him.

"(Y/n)!" He said, laughing and looking down at his shirt.
You started laughing too so you didn't really take into account that he had his strong arms wrapped around you.

"Thank you for spilling chocolate all over me!" He teased.

"Anytime!" You replied, placing your hands on his shoulders.

He pulled you closer and you smiled up at him.

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